Mirroring people : the science of empathy and how we connect with others

Marco Iacoboni
Tale på CD Engelsk 2023

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Oslo : Norsk lyd- og blindeskriftbibliotek , 2023
I prod. per mars 2023. - William Talesyntese. - Fra forlagets omtale: What accounts for the remarkable ability to get inside another person’s head - to know what they’re thinking and feeling? Marco Iacoboni, a leading neuroscientist explains the groundbreaking research into mirror neurons, the "smart cells" in our brain that allow us to understand others. From imitation to morality, from learning to addiction, from political affiliations to consumer choices, mirror neurons seem to have properties that are relevant to all these aspects of social cognition.

Andre utgaver/formater

Mirroring people : the science of empathy and how we connect with others
Marco Iacoboni

Daisy lydbok · Engelsk · 2023

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