Framing public life : perspectives on media and our understanding of the social world

edited by Stephen D. Reese, Oscar H. Gandy, Jr., August E. Grant
Bok Engelsk 2001 Gandy OH and Grant AE - Reese RD
Mahwah, N.J . : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates , 2001
XVI, 399 s.
W.A. Gamson, Foreword. Preface. S.D. Reese, O.H. Gandy, Jr., A.E. Grant, Introduction. S.D. Reese, Prologue--Framing Public Life: A Bridging Model for Media Research. Part I:Theoretical and Measurement Approaches. Z. Pan, G. Kosicki, Framing as a Strategic Action in Public Deliberation. M. McCombs, S.I. Ghanem, The Convergence of Agenda Setting and Framing. T.M. Maher, Framing: An Emerging Paradigm or a Phase of Agenda Setting? J.W. Tankard, Jr., The Empirical Approach to the Study of Media Framing. M.M. Miller, B.P. Riechert, The Spiral of Opportunity and Frame Resonance: Mapping the Issue Cycle in News and Public Discourse. F.D. Durham, Breaching Powerful Boundaries: A Postmodern Critique of Framing. Part II:Cases--Observations From the Field. J.K. Hertog, D.M. McLeod, A Multiperspectival Approach to Framing Analysis: A Field Guide. D.L. Dickerson, Framing "Political Correctness": The New York Times' Tale of Two Professors. P. Bantimaroudis, H. Ban, Covering the Crisis in Somalia: Framing Choices by The New York Times and The Manchester Guardian. R.S. Fuglsang, Framing the Motorcycle Outlaw. L.M. ZochWhat's Really Important Here? Media Self-Coverage in the Susan Smith Murder Trial. E.L. Wiggins, Frames of Conviction: The Intersection of Social Frameworks and Standards of Appraisal in Letters to the Editor Regarding a Lesbian Commitment Ceremony. P. Messaris, L. Abraham, The Role of Images in Framing News Stories. D.V. Shah, D. Domke, D.B. Wackman, The Effects of Value-Framing on Political Judgment and Reasoning. T.E. Nelson, E.A. Willey, Issue Frames That Strike a Value Balance: A Political Psychology Perspective. Part III:The New Media Landscape. E.S. Fredin, Frame Breaking and Creativity: A Frame Database for Hypermedia News. E.P. Engel, Connectivity and Continuity: Influences of the Digital Realm on the Visual Information Structures of Print. J.V. Pavlik, News Framing and New Media: Digital Tools to Re-engage an Alienated Citizenry. E.A. Mabry, Textual Framing as a Communication Climate Factor in Online Groups. C.A. Paterson, The Transference of Frames in Global Television. O.H. Gandy, Jr., Epilogue--Framing at the Horizon: A Retrospective Assessment. - This distinctive volume offers a thorough examination of the ways in which meaning comes to be shaped. The editors employ an interdisciplinary approach to the study of conceptualizing and examining medi
Journalism - Social aspects
Reporters and reporting
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