Combinatorial methods in topology and algebraic geometry

John R. Harper and Richard Mandelbaum, editors.
Bok Engelsk 1985 · Electronic books.
1 online resource (370 p.)
Description based upon print version of record.. - Table of Contents -- Introduction -- Plenary lectures -- List of participants -- Topology and Combinatorial Group Theory -- Collapses of K X I and Group Presentations -- On the Andrews-Curtis-Conjecture and related problems -- Integral representations of Aut Fn and presentation classes of groups -- A note on commutators and squares in free products -- Rigidity of almost crystallographic groups -- Finite graphs and free groups -- A topological proof of a theorem of Brunner and Burns about M. Hall groups -- Knot Theory -- The Murasugi sum is a natural geometric operation II -- The Arf Invariant of classical knots -- The unknotting number of a classical knot -- A general position theorem for surfaces in Euclidean 4-space -- 3-Manifolds -- On the equivariant Dehn lemma -- Virtually Haken manifolds -- Lectures on 3-fold simple coverings and 3-manifolds -- The Witt classes of Seifert manifolds -- Outermost forks and a theorem of Jaco -- Surfaces in 3-manifolds -- Homotopy Theory And Infinite Dimensional Topology -- Taming Hopf invariants -- Artin's braid groups and classical homotopy theory -- More compacta of infinite cohomological dimension -- Endomorphisms in the homotopy category -- Four Manifolds and Algebraic Surfaces -- On fake [S3 x S' #S2 x S2] -- Manifolds having non-ample Norman bundles in quadrices -- Lefschetz fibrations of Riemann surfaces and decompositions of complex elliptic surfaces -- Algebraic surfaces and the arithmetic of braids, II -- A note on moves and on irregular coverings of S4.

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