Involving service users in social work education, research and policy : a comparative European analysis /

edited by Kristel Driessens, Vicky Lyssens-Danneboom.
Bok Engelsk 2021
1 online resource (270 pages)
1st ed.
Front Cover -- Series -- Involving Service Users in Social Work Education, Research and Policy: A Comparative European Analysis -- Copyright information -- Contents -- List of figures and tables -- Notes on contributors -- Acknowledgments -- 1 Introduction -- Part I Collaborative models in social work education -- 2 The gap-mending concept: theory and practice -- Introduction -- Gap-mending principles -- Background -- Roles and concepts -- Enabling niches -- Equal status -- Co-production -- Institutional support -- Deconstruction and reconstruction -- Conclusion -- Notes -- References -- 3 Mending gaps in social work education in the UK -- Introduction -- Building positive relationships -- Summary of activities -- Getting started -- Housing -- Discussion points for mending gaps -- Female genital mutilation -- Discussion points for mending gaps -- Education -- Discussion points for mending gaps -- Safeguarding -- Discussion points for mending gaps -- Outcomes -- Conclusion -- References -- 4 Service users as tandem partners in social work education -- Introduction -- From poverty, the gaps theory and experts by experience to empowerment in an educational practice -- The four cases in short -- Collaboration in tandem at the Karel de Grote University of Applied Sciences and Arts -- University of Applied Sciences Louvain-Limburg -- Amsterdam University of Applied Science -- Utrecht University of Applied Sciences -- Overview of involvement in a diversity of teaching methods -- Results and added value -- Organisational conditions and obstacles in the evolution towards sustainable involvement -- Conclusion -- References -- 5 Service users as supervisors in social work education: mending the gap of power relations -- Introduction -- Power and inequality in social work -- Involving service users in social work education - dilemmas and problems.. - 'How to' -- Case 2: Forum theatre in Antwerp and Brussels -- Forum theatre as developed by Antwerp youngsters -- Invitation from the Province of Antwerp -- Forum theatre by women of Vormingplus-citizenne -- Case 3: Experiential experts in youth care in Antwerp/Belgium -- Forum theatre in youth care - the essentials of experiential expertise -- Fruitful cooperation -- Another way of using the same method - the Open Mind Week -- Special results of Open Mind weeks -- Lessons for social work students -- Conclusion -- Notes -- References -- Part III Reflective chapters -- 17 Experiences matter equally -- Introduction -- Terminology -- Vision social change -- Beneficial factors -- Sharing knowledge -- Respect -- Obstacles -- Tokenism -- Lacking capacity -- Economy -- Power -- Conclusion -- Future -- References -- 18 Ethical issues in the meaningful involvement of service users as co-researchers -- Introduction -- Ethical perspectives in research -- Deontology -- Virtue ethics -- Ethics of care -- Moral pluralism -- Ethical issues before the research has begun -- Involvement of service user co-researchers -- Research governance and research ethics committees -- Which service users get asked to be involved? -- Service user co-researchers are not clients -- Service user co-researcher ground rules, remuneration and informed consent -- Ethical issues during the research -- Independent support -- Confidentiality -- Ethical issues following the collection and analysis of the research data -- Authorship -- Endings -- Conclusion -- References -- 19 Involving service users in social work education and research: is this structural social work? -- Critical analyses and problematisation of unjust social, political and economic relations -- A focus on power: multiple intersecting forms of oppression produced and reinforced by structures.. - Dialectical analyses: the relationship between human agency and social structures.. - Different expectations for the research process -- The importance of training and support -- Recognition instead of tokenism and co-option: what should be done? -- The importance of early involvement -- Clarifying expectations -- Prioritising relation building -- Equality does not mean equal contributions -- Conclusion -- Acknowledgements -- References -- 13 Community of development: a model for inclusive learning, research and innovation -- Introduction -- Community of development -- Facilitator -- Working on better practices -- Composition -- Involvement -- Use -- The value of the model -- Challenges -- Opportunities -- Conclusion -- Note -- References -- 14 Dialogue, skills and trust: some lessons learned from co-writing with service users -- Introduction -- Theoretical underpinning of service users' involvement in knowledge production -- Collaborative writing -- Research context: the University Research Program to Support Selected Municipal Social Service Offices -- Case 1: Service users' book project - the researcher as an outsider -- Case 2: Article for a scientific journal - the researcher back on stage? -- Discussion -- Conclusion -- References -- 15 Participatory pathways in social policymaking: between rhetoric and reality -- Introduction -- Case 1: The Fundamental Principles of Disability (1976) -- Impacting on social policy by redefining ourselves -- Case 2: The General Report on Poverty (1994) -- Participation as mobilisation -- Participation as consultation -- Participation as confrontation -- Participation as social inclusion -- Conclusion -- Notes -- References -- 16 Experiential knowledge as a driver of change -- Introduction -- Three sources of knowledge -- School dropouts as experiential experts -- Methodology -- Case 1: The Dutch follow-up - the Netherlands, 2008-2020 -- Videos for YouTube -- Workshops -- STUKboek -- Actie ENTER.. - Experts by experience in social work education in Scotland and Italy -- Six key principles of user involvement -- Experts by experience: voices from Scotland -- Elinor -- Keith -- John -- Social work students: voices from Italy -- Luca -- Michela -- Giulia -- Outcomes and impacts from student and expert-by-experience encounters -- Conclusion -- References -- 10 Joint workshops with students and service users in social work education: experiences from Esslingen, Germany -- Introduction -- Service-user involvement from an educational perspective -- Joint seminars of service users and students -- Evaluation of service-user involvement seminars -- Challenges to implementing joint seminars of service users and students -- Conclusion -- References -- 11 Service users, students and staff: co-producing creative educational activities on a social work programme in the UK -- Introduction -- The development of service-user involvement in the UK -- Service-user/carer involvement in social work education -- The Portsmouth experience -- Conceptualising the involvement of people using services in social work education -- Creating new forms of power -- Promoting meaningful change -- Service-user involvement and social pedagogy -- From understanding to action -- The role of creativity -- The Creativity, Inclusion, Social Pedagogy model -- Some reflections from the Portsmouth experience -- Social Work Inclusion Group members -- Students -- Academic staff -- Conclusion -- References -- Part II Collaborative models in research and policy -- 12 The co-researcher role in the tension between recognition, co-option and tokenism -- Introduction -- Co-production: a challenge for established research -- In what ways do co-researchers participate? -- Time and economy as the main challenges -- The importance of making good collaborative relationships.. - Involvement of service users at the School of Social Work at Lund University -- Case 1: The School of Social Work at Lund University - the Professional Social Work course -- Service-user involvement in social work education at the University of Agder -- Case 2: Social work education at the University of Agder - supervision in practical placement -- Dilemmas -- The risk of individualisation of experiences -- Professionalisation of service users -- Conclusion -- Note -- References -- 6 Involving students with mental health experience in social work education -- Introduction -- History of cooperating with service users -- The context of the project implementation -- Involving students with experience in mental healthcare - recommendations for practice -- The importance of including students in social education -- Conclusion -- Notes -- References -- 7 The Living Library in social work education -- Introduction -- Background to the Human Library/Living Library -- Vision, values goals -- Theoretical background -- Pedagogical background -- The Living Library at the University of Sheffield -- The Human Library in Diaconia University of Applied Sciences -- Conclusion -- References -- 8 Creating a platform together for the voice of the service user: inspiration for organising an event together with service users -- Summary -- Introduction -- Which service users are involved? -- Keynote speakers -- Practicalities -- Suffolk and Amsterdam: commonalities -- Lessons learnt from planning and running the conferences -- Learning from experience and looking towards the future. -- References -- 9 Reflections on inspiring conversations in social work education: the voices of Scottish experts by experience and Italian students -- Introduction -- Inspiring conversations on the involvement of experts by experience in social work education.. - Based on the results of a European Social Fund project, this book critically appraises the benefits and challenges of involving service users in social work research, practice and education.
1-4473-5834-1. - 1-4473-5835-X

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