The way the wind blows

A Hawk and a Hacksaw
Bok Engelsk 2006 · pop

Albuquerque : Leaf Label ; BAY 51CD , 2006
1 CD
Opplysninger om utøverne på omslaget. - Innhold: In the river ; The way the wind blows ; Song for Joseph ; Fernando's Giampari ; God bless the Ottoman empire ; Waltz for strings and tuba ; Oporto ; Gadje Sirba ; The sparrow ; Salt water ; There is a river in Galisteo. - Utøvere: Jeremy Barnes, Heather Trost
pop . - rock

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The way the wind blows
A Hawk and a Hacksaw
A Hawk and a Hacksaw

Musikk på CD · Engelsk · 2006

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