In Quisling's shadow : the memoirs of Vidkun Quisling's first wife, Alexandra
Alexandra Andreevna Voronine Yourieff · by Alexandra Andreevna Voronine Yourieff with W. George Yourieff and Kirsten A. Seaver ; translated from the Norwegian original by Kirsten A. Seaver
Bok Engelsk 2007 · Selvbiografier
Annen tittel | |
Medvirkende | Seaver, Kirsten A. (medarbeider)
Utgitt | Stanford, Calif. : Hoover Institution Press , 2007
Omfang | XIX, 484 s. : ill.
Opplysninger | Omhandler også Maria Quisling. - info:sid/
Emner | |
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Dewey | |
ISBN | 9780817948320