Migration, minorities and freedom of religion

Terje Mikael Hasle Joranger, editor ; Harry T. Cleven, assistant editor
Bok Engelsk 2020 · Essay((uri)https://id.nb.no/vocabulary/ntsf/81)
Annen tittel
293 sider : illustrasjoner
In their Call for papers for the thirteenth seminar of NAHA-Norway in Stavanger June 21-24, 2017 with the title Migration, minorities and freedom of religion, the NAHA-Norway board welcomed a broad variety of topics related to the Norwegian- American migration experience. The text of the call stated that papers should focus on the relationship between .children, youth, women, Quakers and others" and, especially, the group perspective of said groups. The essays in this volume of Norwegian-American Essays reflect the intentions of the seminar. These essays all take into account the group perspective in various temporal and spatial locales connected to the Norwegian-American migration experience. - Er det grunn til å lese dette som om dt kom ut i to parallelle seriar? Ulike serienummer : på baksida av tittelbladet med romartal: XV =15, men på bakre, ytre omslagside 16, som truleg er rett om det ikkje er splitting i to seriar. ISSN 0809-1366 på baksida av omslaget bind til Norwegian-American essays ( MMS som 999920312693402201 som lekkjinga i * *830 (og ) bind til. Men *830 bind og til ISSN-2464-3432 - MMS 999920312693402201 (ein forgjengar?) UV00000580@47BIBSYS_HVO = ghn@hivolda.no
Kvekere : (NO-TrBIB)HUME08810
Lutheranere : (NO-TrBIB)HUME13093
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Geografisk emneord
Norge : (NO-TrBIB)HUME02605. - Norge((NO-TrBIB)HUME02605) . - USA : (NO-TrBIB)HUME01695. - USA((NO-TrBIB)HUME01695)
978-82-8390-051-4 : Nkr 350

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