A room of one's own

Virginia Woolf ; with an introduction by Frances Spalding
Bok Engelsk 2017 · Essay
London : Macmillan Collector's Library , 2017
152 s.
1. utg.: 1929. - In this extraordinary essay, Virginia Woolf examines the limitations of womanhood in the early twentieth century. With the startling prose and poetic licence of a novelist, she makes a bid for freedom, emphasizing that the lack of an independent income, and the titular 'room of one's own', prevents most women from reaching their full literary potential. As relevant in its insight and indignation today as it was when first delivered in those hallowed lecture theatres, A Room of One's Own remains both a beautiful work of literature and an incisive analysis of women and their place in the world.
978-1-5098-4318-3(ib.) : Nkr 159.00

Andre utgaver/formater

A room of one's own
Virginia Woolf

Bok · Engelsk · 1973
A room of one's own
Virginia Woolf

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A Room of One's Own
Virginia Woolf

Bok · Engelsk · 2000
A room of one's own
Virginia Woolf

Bok · Engelsk · 2020
A room of one's own
Virginia Woolf

Bok · Engelsk · 1994
A room of one's own
Virginia Woolf

Bok · Engelsk · 2019
A room of one's own
Virginia Woolf

Bok · Engelsk · 2014
A room of one's own
Virginia Woolf

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A room of one's own
Virginia Woolf

Tale på CD · Engelsk · 2006

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