Lifel1k3 (Lifelike) : Your life is not your own

Jay Kristoff
Bok Engelsk 2018 · Science fiction
New York : Ember , 2018
404 s.
Your body is not your own. Your mind is not your own. Your life is not your own. - It seems like everybody wants a piece of Eve. There's the menacing stranger in the long black trench coat stalking her every move. There's the fanatical gang determined to hunt her down because they think she can control machines with her mind. And then there's the Lifelike, Ezekiel - the stunningly handsome not-quite human that Eve pulls from the wreckage at a crash site. Ezekiel claims to know her, and whispers impossible secrets in her ear about a past she never lived. Soon Eve is on the run from all of them, with her best friend, Lemon Fresh in tow. Eve thinks she wants the truth. But what she finds just might destroy her.

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