Gifts, goods and money : comparing currency and circulation systems in past societies

edited by Dirk Brandherm, Elon Heymans, Daniela Hofmann
Bok Engelsk 2018
Annen tittel
1 volume ;
Innhold: Tntroduction: comparing currency and circulation systems in past societies(D. Brandherm, E. Heymans, D. Hofmann) ; Indeterminacy and approximationin Mediterranean weight systems in the third and second millenniaBC (N. Ialongo, A. Vacca, A. Vanzetti) ; Fragmentation patterns revisitedritual and recycling in Bronze Age depositional practice (D. Brandherm) ;Weight units and the transformation of value: approaching premonetarycurrency systems in the Nordic Bronze Age (L. Melheim) ; Heads or tails:metal hoards from the Iron Age southern Levant (E. D. Heymans) ; Weighingpremonetary currency in the Iberian Iron Age (T. Poigt) ; Of warriors,chiefs and gold. Coinage and exchange in the late pre-Roman IronAge (D. Wigg-Wolf) ; New wealth from the Old World: glass, jet and mirrorsin the late fifteenth to early sixteenth century indigenous Caribbean (J.Ostapkowicz) ; Gifts of the gods objects of foreign origin in traditional exchangesystems in Palau (C. Dupont)

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