Climate change impacts on streamflow in Norway

Lars A. Roald ... [et al.]
Bok Engelsk 2006 Lars Andreas Roald
Oslo : NVE , 2006
73 s. : ill. (noen kol.)
Forfattere: Lars A. Roald, Stein Beldring, Torill Engen Skaugen, Eirik J. Førland og Rasmus Benestad Har bibliografi. - Sammendrag: Scenarios are developed for the mean and seasonal streamflow and other water balance elements for Norway for the period 2071-2100 based on dynamically downscaled series of temperature and precipitation based on the most recent scenarios from RegClim. The scenarios are based on projections based on both the HadAm3H- and the ECHAM4/OPYC3 Global Climate Models under emission scenarios A2 and B2. The projection of possible future streamflow and the other water balance elements are simulated by the Gridded Water Balance Model. The results are presented both on countrywide maps and in more detail for 25 basins. The changes are given relative to the most recent normal period 1961-1990. The report discusses also possible changes in the occurrence of floods and implications of possible changes in the year to year variability for future energy production.
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