Burnout: Current knowledge and relevance to old age psychiatry

Susan Mary Benbow
Bok Engelsk 1998
Side 520- 526
Objectives. To review the literature on burnout and consider itsrelevance to old age psychiatry and the role of the consultant.Data sources. Medline and PsychLit computerized databases.Data synthesis. Burnout is a syndrome of emotional exhaustion,depersonalization and decreased sense of personal accomplishmentwhich is recognized in people working in the human serviceprofessions and can have adverse effects on the workforce. There islittle evidence of unique stressors related to care of elderlymentally ill people. Burnout is likely to be modified by workplaceinterventions. Relevant areas for intervention are political andsocial, organizational and management, training and personal issues.Support to consultants and their continuing professional developmentneed to be radically reviewed. (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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