Cognitive skills associated with estrogen replacement in women withAlzheimer's disease

V.W. Henderson
Bok Engelsk 1996
Side 421- 430
To delineate putative cognitive effects of estrogen in women withAlzheimer's disease, we compared neuropsychological performances inthree groups of patients with clinically diagnosed Alzheimer'sdisease: women receiving estrogen replacement therapy (n = 9), womennot receiving replacement therapy (n = 27), and men (n = 26).Untreated women and men were matched by age, education, and durationof dementia symptoms to women receiving estrogen replacement. Wehypothesized that treated women would have better scores onneuropsychological tasks. Results showed that women receivinghormonal therapy performed significantly better than other women onsome, but not all, tasks; on no task did women receiving estrogenscore significantly worse. The largest group difference was on theBoston Naming Test, a semantic memory task previously shown to bemore impaired in women with Alzheimer's disease than in men with thisdiagnosis. Of tests considered in a discriminant analysis, the namingtask was the only neuropsychological variable to distinguish betweenthe two women's groups. Mean differences between estrogen-treatedwomen and men were small and were not statistically significant.Findings support the hypothesis that estrogen therapy for women withAlzheimer's disease is associated with better cognitive skills andthat previously noted gender associated differences in Alzheimer'sdisease may reflect a state of acquired estrogen deficiency amongwomen with this disorder. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd.

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