Medical illness, religion, health control and depression ofinstitutionalized medically ill veterans in long-term care

M. Grosse-Holtforth
Bok Engelsk 1996
Side 613- 620
Utilizing multivariable multivariate regression procedures, weexamine the relationships among medical illness, religion, healthcontrol beliefs and depression in 97 mostly elderly,institutionalized medically ill veterans in long term-care.Controlling for other domains of indicators, conditional canonicalcorrelations showed that (1) religious motivation alone predictsreligious coping, (2) religious coping alone predicts health controlbeliefs, and (3) both severity of illness/length of stay and healthcontrol beliefs predict depression. Result (1) is incompatible withthe prediction by the multivariate belief-motivation theory ofreligiousness (MBMTR) (Schaefer and Gorsuch, 1991) that bothreligious belief and religious motivation determine religious coping.Results (2) and (3) are consistent with our hypothesis that controlbeliefs mediate the relationship between religions coping anddepression. It is argued that a different operationalization ofreligious belief may still support the MBMTR. The role of religion incoping with health problems is discussed.

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