Cause for alarm/Victim in pain

Agnostic Front
Musikk på CD Engelsk 1986 · hardcore
New York : Combat Core ; 88561-8049-2 , 1986
1 CD
Opplysninger om utøverne på omslaget. - Victim in pain: 1. utg. 1984. Cause for alarm: 1. utg. 1986. - Innhold: Cause for alarm: The eliminator ; Existence of hate ; Time will come ; Growing concern ; Your mistake ; Out for blood ; Toxic shock ; Bomber Zee ; Public assistance ; Shoot this load. Victim in pain: Victim in pain ; remind them ; Blind justice ; Last warning ; United & strong ; Power ; Hiding inside ; Fascist attitudes ; Society sucker ; Your mistake ; With time.. - Agnostic Front: Alex Kinon, Roger Miret, Vinnie Stigma, Rob Kabula
hardcore . - pop . - punk . - rock

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