Hound Dog Taylor and the Houserockers

Hound Dog Taylor
Musikk på CD Engelsk 1971 · blues
Chicago : Alligator Records , 1971
1 CD
Alligator Records: ALCD4701. - Opplysninger om utøverne på omslaget. - Innhold: She's gone ; Walking the celing ; Held my baby last night ; Taylor's rock ; It's alright ; Phillips' theme ; Wild about you, baby ; I just can't make it ; It hurts me too ; 44 blues ; Give me back my wig ; 55th street boogie. - Hound Dog Taylor and the Houserockers: Hound Dog Taylor, Brewer Phillips, Ted Harvey
blues . - pop . - rock

Andre utgaver/formater

Hound Dog Taylor And The HouseRockers
Hound Dog Taylor
Hound Dog Taylor And The HouseRockers

Bok · Engelsk · 1974

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