The Social psychology of inclusion and exclusion
edited by Dominic Abrams, Michael A. Hogg, José M. Marques
Bok Engelsk 2005
Utgitt | New York : Psychology Press , 2005
Omfang | xviii, 355 s. : ill.
Emner | Marginality, Social
Social groups Social psychology marginalisering stigmatisering inkludering integrering utstøyting eksklusjon sosialpsykologi sosiale grupper inn-grupper ut-grupper |
ISBN | 1841690732. - 9781841690735
The Social psychology of inclusion and exclusion
edited by Dominic Abrams, Michael A. Hogg...
Daisy lydbok · Engelsk · 2015
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edited by Dominic Abrams, Michael A. Hogg...
Daisy lydbok · Engelsk · 2015
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