In the name of = : W imie ...

a film by Malgorzata Szumowska
DVD Polsk 2013 · Drama((NO-OsBA)1165830)
Annen tittel
<S.l.> : Peccadillo , 2013
1 DVD (102 min)
Father Adam (Andrzej Chyra) is relocated to a rural village where he runs a refuge for youths with troubled pasts. It is there where he meets handsome local outsider, Lukasz (Mateusz Kosciukiewicz) and soon Adam struggles to reconcile his attraction to the young man and his spiritual calling. To the village, his energy and enthusiasm are appreciated and the locals accept him as one of their own. Everybody wants to be close to him, feeding off of his vitality and power, but no one knows that Father Adam harbours his own secret.. - Originaltittel: W imie .... - Aldersgrense 15 år (aldergrense i Norge ikke oppgitt)
Nkr. 199.00

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