The Big Lebowski and Philosophy : Keeping Your Mind Limber with Abiding Wisdom.

William. Irwin
Bok Engelsk 2012 · Electronic books.
1 online resource (306 pages)
1st ed.
Intro -- The Big Lebowski and Philosophy: Keeping Your Mind Limber with Abiding Wisdom -- Contents -- Acknowledgments: Thanks to Some Real Achievers -- Introduction: Sometimes There's a Film -- Part One: First Round Robin: Tying it all Together, or Not -- 1. What Would the Dude Do?: Deconstructing the Dude -- Deconstruction, Dichotomies, and the Dude -- Walter's Generalism vs. Dieter's Particularism -- The Virtues of the Dude -- Notes -- 2. The Big Lebowski and Mathematical Logic -- Jeffrey Lebowski ≠ Jeffrey Lebowski -- Can the Dude's Room Actually Be Tied Together? -- What If You Really Care about the Rules? -- Is Consistency unDude? Is Completeness? -- Abiding Axioms -- Notes -- Part Two: Second Round Robin: Thousands of Years of Philosophical Tradition, or From Socrates to Sandy Koufax -- 3. The Dude Abides, but Does He Flourish? -- How's the Smut Business, Jackie? -- He Looks Like a Fuckin' Loser -- With Friends Like These, Huh, Gary? -- I Like Your Style, Dude -- Notes -- 4. "Man Down!": Aristotle, Epicurus, and the Dude on Friendship and Solidarity -- Aristotle: Social Beings and the Key to Pasadena -- Epicurus: Natural Pleasures and Taking It Easy -- The Dude: Eudaimonia, Ataraxia, and League Play -- Notes -- 5. Epicurus and "Contented Poverty": The Big Lebowski as Epicurean Parable -- Real Epicureanism -- Enough Is Enough -- Love, Sex, and His Dudeness -- The Simple Life -- Money -- True Wealth -- Notes -- 6. Buddhism, Daoism, and Dudeism -- The Dude and the Dao -- Dharma and the Dude -- Zen Dudeism? -- Notes -- Part Three: Third Round Robin: Over the Line! -- 7. Drawing a Line in the Sand: Rules of Aggression in The Big Lebowski -- Just War Theory: Jus ad Bellum -- Just War Theory: Jus in Bello -- Why We Should Give a Shit about the Rules of Aggression -- Notes.. - 8. "That Ain't Legal Either": Rules, Virtue, and Authenticity in The Big Lebowski -- Tumbling Tumbleweeds, What Have You, and Being "Very UnDude -- Rule Rigidity 1: "Am I the Only One around Here Who Gives a Shit about the Rules? -- Rule Rigidity 2: "Okay, but How Does All This Add Up to an Emergency? -- Rule Rigidity 3: "Dude, Chinaman Is Not the Preferred Nomenclature -- The Big Lebowski's Hypocrisy: "Every Bum's Lot in Life Is His Own Responsibility -- Exclusion: "Donny, You're Out of Your Element -- The Virtues of Perspective: "No Funny Stuff -- Notes -- Part Four: Fourth Round Robin: Nothing to be Afraid of -- 9. Bowling Our Way out of Nihilism -- What the Fuck Is He Talking About? -- The Exhaustion of Nihilism -- Achievers Anonymous -- Credence in Modernity -- Bowling Abides -- What Form Does Our Abiding Take? -- Notes -- 10. Existentialism, Absurdity, and The Big Lebowski -- Camus on Absurdity -- Sartre on Absurdity -- Camus vs. Sartre on Existentialist Art -- The Existentialist Character of The Big Lebowski -- Notes -- 11. Bowling, Despair, and American Nihilism -- Sic Semper Deadbeats -- A Tale of Two Lebowskis -- Sisyphus Was a Bowler -- The Wisdom of Abiding Repetition -- Notes -- Part Five: Fifth Round Robin: What Makes a Dude? -- 12. The Big Lebowski's Oedipal Complex -- Getting into the Unconscious -- Superego -- Anal and Oral Fixations -- Life and Death Drives: Bunny and the Nihilists -- Pedophiles and Schizophrenia -- Why We Love The Big Lebowski -- Notes -- 13. In the Dude, I Abide: Being an Achiever at Lebowski Fest -- I'm an Achiever, Man -- Where's the Fucking Irony, Lebowski? -- The Story Is Ludicrous -- They're the Little Lebowski Urban Achievers -- Come On, You're Being Very Un-Dude -- What Does an Achiever Achieve? -- In the Dude, I Abide -- Notes -- 14. "Mr. Treehorn Treats Objects Like Women, Man": The Dude as Feminist Ally.. - I'm Not Mr. Lebowski -- You're Mr. Lebowski -- I'm Talkin' about the Dude Here -- Takin' Her Easy for All of Us Sinners -- First of All, Dude, You Don't Have an Ex -- Mr. Treehorn Treats Objects Like Women, Man -- Jeffrey . . . Love Me -- Heroes and Allies -- To Find the Man in Me -- Notes -- 15. "Well, I Do Work, Sir": The Dude and the Value of Sloth -- How Slow Can We Go? -- Our Right to Live Slow and Die Bowling -- Who Wins the Race? Slow and Steady Does! -- The Dude's Manifesto -- The Fable of the Ant and the Dude -- Notes -- Part Six: Sixth Round Robin: Mark it Zero! -- 16. "Am I Wrong?": Walter's Will to Believe -- You See What Happens, Larry! -- At Least It's an Ethos -- Shomer Fucking Shabbas -- Walter's Wager -- Jumping to a Conclusion -- Notes -- 17. "That's Just Like, Uh, Your Opinion, Man": Jesus, the Dude, and Ordinary Language Philosophy -- Opinion, Knowledge, and Justification -- Are All Opinions about "Matters of Opinion"? -- A Look at Jesus's Claim -- Notes -- Part Seven: Seventh Round Robin: Livin' in the Past -- 18. Hippies, Jews, and the Philosophy of Memory -- We All Live in the Past -- Stuck in the Past -- Doesn't the Dude Also Live in the Past? -- Rooted in the Past -- Notes -- 19. "I Don't Roll on Shabbas!": Jewish Identity and the Meaning of History in The Big Lebowski -- History and Philosophy -- History and Identity -- History, Self, and Commitment -- Jews among Others -- History, Nihilism, and Death -- Take Real Comfort in That -- Notes -- Contributors: The Rest of the Dude's Bowling Team (alphabetically) -- Index: Little of This, Little of That.. - Celebrate the Dude with an abiding look at the philosophy behind The Big Lebowski Is the Dude a bowling-loving stoner or a philosophical genius living the good life? Naturally, it's the latter, and The Big Lebowski and Philosophy explains why. Enlisting the help of great thinkers like Plato and Nietzsche, the book explores the movie's hidden philosophical layers, cultural reflection, and political commentary. It also answers key questions, including: The Dude abides, but is abiding a virtue? Is the Dude an Americanized version of the Taoist way of life? How does The Big Lebowski illustrate the Just War Theory? How does bowling help Donny, Walter, and the Dude oppose nihilism? Yes, the Dude is deep, and so is this book. Don't watch the movie-or go to Lebowski Fest-without it. Explores many of The Big Lebowski's key themes, such as nihilism, war and politics, money and materialism, idealism and morality, history, and more Gives you new perspective on the movie's characters-the Dude, the Big Lebowski, Walter Sobchak, Donny, Maude Lebowski, Bunny Lebowski, and others Helps you appreciate the Coen Brothers classic even more with the insights of Aristotle, Epicurus, Kant, Derrida, and other philosophical heavyweights.

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