West African Economic and Monetary Union : Selected Issues.

International Monetary Fund. African. Dept.
Bok Engelsk 2015 · Electronic books.
1 online resource (108 pages)
1st ed.
Cover Page -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- BOX -- FIGURES -- FIGURES -- FIGURES -- TABLES -- BOX -- FIGURES -- BOXES -- FIGURES -- BOXES -- FIGURES -- TABLES -- A. External Sector Developments -- 1. Recent Developments -- 2. Outlook -- 1. Growth and Fiscal Consolidation Scenario -- B. Exchange Rate Assessment -- 3. Exchange Rate Assessment -- C. Reserve Adequacy -- 4. Foreign Exchange Coverage -- 5. NFA-Commercial Banks -- 6. Reserve Adequacy -- D. Non-Price Competitiveness -- 7. Doing Business -- References -- EXTERNAL STABILITY ASSESSMENT -- A. Introduction -- 1. Developments in Commercial Banks' Balance Sheets -- B. Possible Causes -- 2. Fiscal and External Imbalances -- 3. Interest Rates -- C. Risks -- 4. Interbank Market Activity by Maturity -- D. Policy Options -- DEVELOPMENTS IN CENTRAL BANK LIQUIDITY PROVISION: A HARBINGER OF WIDER MACROFINANCIAL RISKS IN THE WAEMU? -- A. Benchmarking Financial Access -- 1. WAEMU: Financial Access -- 2. Demographical Characteristics of Financial Access -- 3. Deposit and Payment Modes -- 4. Use of Loans -- 5. Firms -- B. Explaining Private Sector Credit Gaps -- 6. Drivers of the Financial Gap -- 7. Credit to the Private Sector -- 1. Determinants of Financial Inclusiveness Gaps, 2004-2013 -- C. Identifying the Most Binding Constraints to Firms' Financial Inclusion -- 2. WAEMU: Target Moments -- 8. Lowering Participation Costs -- 9. Lowering the Cost of Intermediation -- 10. Lowering Collateral Constraints -- References -- FINANCIAL INCLUSION IN THE WAEMU -- A. Introduction -- 1. The WAEMU's Market for Mobile Payments -- 2. Provider if Mobile Payments in the WAEMU -- 3. Mobile Banking Across Demographical Groups, 2011 -- B. Possible Impediments to Mobile Payments in the WAEMU -- 4. Number of Bank and Remittance Partners -- 5. Transaction Cost for Selected Providers.. - 6. Mobile Service Provided in the WAEMU, Kenya and Tanzania -- 1. Kenya's M-PESA Experience (based on IMF, 2012 -- C. Oversight Issues in Mobile Payments -- D. Main Conclusions -- References -- MOBILE PAYMENTS IN THE WAEMU -- A. Growth, Volatility and Productivity -- 1. Growth and Volatility -- 2. Productivity -- B. Recent Trends in the Structure of Output and Exports -- 3. Output Diversification -- 1. Export Diversification and Quality -- 4. Export Product and Partner Diversification -- 5. Export Quality -- 6. Gains from Structural Transformation, Diversification and Quality Upgrading -- C. Fostering Growth through Structural Transformation and Diversification -- 2. Reforms which foster Structural Transformation -- 3. The Role of Agriculture in Structural Transformation -- D. Demographic Trends and Employment -- 7. Demographics -- 4. The Demographic Dividend -- References -- GROWTH, STRUCTURAL TRANSFORMATION, AND DIVERSIFICATION IN THE WAEMU -- A. Introduction -- 1. Stylized Facts: Trade within ECOWAS -- B. Stylized Facts on Trade and Tariffs within WAEMU and ECOWAS -- 1: Structure of ECOWAS and WAEMU CET -- C. Partial Equilibrium Effects of Changes in the Tariff Structure -- 2. Price Elasticities of Imports - Individual Countries -- 3. Price Elasticity of Imports -- 1. Assumptions and Analytical Framework -- 2. Trade and Revenue Implications of the Tariff Change -- 2. Revenue Impact in Benin -- References -- TRADE AND REVENUE IMPLICATIONS OF ECOWAS COMMON EXTERNAL TARIFFS ON WAEMU MEMBER STATES -- Footnotes.

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