Strategies for Supporting Inclusion and Diversity in the Academy : Higher Education, Aspiration and Inequality.

Gail. Crimmins
Bok Engelsk 2022 · Electronic books.
1 online resource (418 pages)
2nd ed.
Intro -- Foreword -- Preface -- Acknowledgement -- Contents -- Notes on Contributors -- Part I: Contextualising Layers of Exclusion in Higher Education -- 1: Don't Throw Out the Baby with the Bathwater: Statistics Can Create Impetus to Address Educational Inequity -- Statistics of Structural Inequity -- Inequity Based on Race: Faculty Data -- Inequity Based on Race: Student Data -- Social Class, Socioeconomic Status and Higher Education -- Defining Social Classifications -- Why Examining Class in Relation to Higher Education Diversity and Inclusion Remains Important -- Social Class and Economic Background as a Determinant to Access and Inclusion in HE -- Gender De/Privilege in Higher Education -- Higher Education for People with Dis/Ability -- The Impact of Educational Inequity -- Conclusion -- References -- Part II: Supporting Racial Diversity in the Academy -- 2: Promoting Race Equality and Supporting Ethnic Diversity in the Academy: The UK Experience Over Two Decades -- Introduction -- The Emergence of a Top Down Race Equality Strategy -- Evaluation of the Race Equality Strategy -- The Decline of a Top Down Race Equality Strategy Race Equality -- The Periodic Emergence (and Decline) in Policy Discourse of Race Equality -- The Persistence of Racial Disadvantage in HE: BME Staff and Students -- Legislation and the Hegemony of the Liberal Perspective on Equality -- Conclusion: The Path of Race Equality Policy-From the Mandatory to the Optional -- References -- 3: Reflecting on Representation: Exploring Critical Tensions Within Doctoral Training Programmes in the UK -- Introduction -- Critical Reflections on Knowledge Production -- Conceptual Framework -- Methodology -- Findings and Discussion -- Expectations of Doctoral Training -- Experiences of Doctoral Training -- Tensions in Researcher Training -- Individual and Collective Action.. - Advocacy in TAFE: Micro-Social Implications of Advocacy.. - India: Diverse and Multicultural Contexts -- Higher Education in India -- What Keeps Women Out -- What Enables Women to Move Up -- A Programme for the Capacity Building of Women Managers in Indian Higher Education -- The Training Programme -- Outcomes of the Sensitization, Awareness and Motivation Series -- The Way Forward and Upward! -- Conclusion -- References -- 9: Mainstreaming Gender into the Quality Assurance of Higher Education Programs -- Introduction -- The Potential of Quality Assurance for Enhancing Inclusiveness in Higher Education -- The Policy Innovation in Context -- (E)Quality Assurance for an Inclusive Higher Education -- Conclusions -- References -- 10: Success for LGBT College and University Students -- LGBT Campus Climate -- LGBT Student Success -- Academic Experiences and Outcomes -- LGBT Student Well-Being -- Thriving and Success -- Strategies to Support LGBT Student Success -- Conduct a Campus Audit and Process Map the Experiences of LGBT Students -- Develop Deadlines for Addressing Issues Uncovered in the Audit/Process Mapping -- Engage Faculty and Instructors -- Staff Training -- Summary -- References -- 11: Trans Inclusive Higher Education: Strategies to Support Trans, Non-Binary and Gender Diverse Students and Staff -- Introduction -- A Note on Terms -- TransEDU: Researching the Experiences of Trans and Gender Diverse Students and Staff -- Legal and Policy Context -- Strategies to Improve Support for Trans and Gender Diverse Students and Staff -- Networks/Champion Groups/Communities of Practice -- Named Contact -- Conclusions -- References -- Part IV: Re'class'ifying Academia -- 12: The Coffee Club: An Initiative to Support Mature and Non-Traditional Higher Education Students in Wales -- Introduction -- Making a Case and Facilitating Support -- The Coffee Club: Year One -- The Coffee Club: Moving Forward.. - Part V: Disabling the Barrier of Dis/Ability in Higher Education -- 16: Inclusive Higher Education for College Students with Intellectual Disability -- Next Steps at Vanderbilt -- Best Practices in Inclusive Higher Education -- Person-Centered Practices -- Academic Coursework -- Career Development -- Campus Life -- Independent Living -- Social Relationships -- Recommendations for Inclusive Higher Education Programs -- Conclusion -- References -- 17: Student Suggestions for Improving Learning at University for Those with Learning Challenges/Disability -- Background -- The Research -- Method -- Analysis -- Students' Suggestions for Improving Learning: Results -- Institutional Processes/Resources -- Teaching and Learning -- Relationships = Support -- What Needs to Change? -- All Students Need to Belong -- Connection with Peers for Academic and Social Reasons -- Educate Teachers and Peers -- Flexible, Adaptable Courses Please -- Disclosure Makes Students Vulnerable -- Conclusion -- Where to Now? -- Limitations -- References -- 18: A Case Study of the Educational Experience of Adult Students with Dyslexia Across Five TAFE Institutes in Queensland -- Introduction -- Dyslexia -- Inclusion -- Queensland Technical and Further Educational (TAFE) Institutes -- A Case Study of the Educational Experience of Adult Students with Dyslexia Across Five TAFE Institutes in Queensland -- Results -- Personal Life Histories of Adult Students Who Have Dyslexia -- Perceived Discrimination -- Managed Emotions and Perceived Feelings -- Perceived Difference -- Disclosure of Disability -- Disability Support Officers Describe How They Support Students with Dyslexia -- Disability Officers Support Students to Become Independent Learners and Advocate for Students -- Registration of Students with Disability Services -- Autonomy and Advocacy.. - Projections for Doctoral Training -- Conclusion -- References -- 4: Killing the Indigene: Interrogating the Support of First Nations' Diversity in the Modern University -- Killing the Indigene -- Resistance, Inclusion and Diversity -- Policy Frameworks in Action -- Queering Universities -- Queering the Academy -- Diversity, Equality or Change? -- Systemic Change -- Who Can Effect Change? -- References -- 5: Refugees in Neoliberal Universities -- Introduction -- References -- 6: A Critical-Relational Approach to Community Development That Increases Well-Being, Learning Outcomes and Retention of International Students -- Introduction -- Locating the Project in Context -- Conceptual Framework for the Project -- A Critical-Relational Approach to Community Development -- Universities Being Sites for Developing a Sense of 'Community' -- Methodology: Participatory Action Research -- Phase 1: Preparation -- About the International Student-Participants -- Processes and Findings -- Phase 2: Intervention-Dialogical Circles and Issues to Which We Responded -- Phase 3: Intervention-Critical Pedagogy Project (CCP) -- Discussion -- Equity and Ethics -- Developing a Sense of Community to Ensure Inclusion -- Conclusion -- References -- Part III: Engendering Gender Diversity in Higher Education -- 7: Thriving in the Academy: Culturally Responsive Mentoring for Black Women's Early Career Success -- Culture of the Academy -- Insufficient Culturally Relevant Socialization in Academe -- Long-Standing Master-Narratives in Academe -- Sisters of the Academy Institute -- The Research Bootcamp® Structure -- The Research Bootcamp: A Model for Culturally Responsive Mentoring -- Conclusion -- References -- 8: Women and Leadership: Strategies of Gender Inclusion in Institutions of Higher Education in India -- Background -- Women in the Universities.. - The Coffee Club: Adoption in a Different University -- Concluding Thoughts -- References -- 13: Using a Funds of Knowledge Approach to Engage Diverse Cohorts Through Active and Personally Relevant Learning -- Introduction -- Education, Diversity and Social Justice -- The Funds of Knowledge Approach -- Adaptive Language Habits and Code Switching -- Agency and Autonomy -- Epistemic Contribution -- Experimental Lecture Program: Developing a Funds of Knowledge Approach -- Usefulness of Pre-Session Tasks -- Relevance of Learning Dispositions -- Learner Confidence and Self-Stories -- Theoretical Mapping and Ideas for Action -- Conclusion -- References -- 14: The Impact of Stigma, Placement Instability and Individual Motivation on Successful Transitions in and Through University for Care Experienced Young People -- Introduction -- Research Context -- Policy and Legislation -- Alice and Tom: The Journeys -- Placement Stability: The Role of Foster Care and Support Services -- Self-Determination, Motivation and Challenging Stigma -- Conclusion -- References -- 15: Murdoch's Aspirations and Pathways for University (MAP4U) Project: Developing and Supporting Low SES Students' Aspirations for Higher Education Participation Using School-Based University Outreach Programs -- Rationale -- The Region -- The Schools -- Murdoch's Aspirations and Pathways for University Project (MAP4U) -- Program Characteristics -- An Example Program Design: Games Art and Design -- Research and Methodology -- Establishing Links for the Research -- Study 1: Cultural Capital at Home, School and with Peers -- Study 2: Building Social and Cultural Capital -- Study 3: Building an Aspirational School Culture -- Student Engagement -- Using the Research to Inform Higher Education Inclusion -- Future Research and Conclusions -- References.

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