God shuffled his feet

Crash Test Dummies
Bok Engelsk 1993 · pop

[S.l.] : Arista ; 74321-16531-2 , 1993
1 CD
God shuffled his feet ; Afternoons & coffeespoons ; Mmm mmm mmm mmm ; In the days of the caveman ; Swimming in your ocean ; Here I stand before me ; I think I'll disappear now ; How does a duck know? ; When I go out with artists ; The psychic ; Two knights and maidens ; Untitled

Andre utgaver/formater

God shuffled his feet
produced by Jerry Harrison and Crash Test...

Musikk, ukjent format · Engelsk · 1993
God shuffled his feet
Crash Test Dummies

Musikknoter · Engelsk · 1994
God shuffled his feet
Crash Test Dummies

CD · Engelsk · 1994

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