Early days. Volume one.

the best of Led Zeppelin
Bok Engelsk 1999 · Popmusikk
Bonham, John (eks.)
USA : Atlantic ; 7567-83268-2 , 1999
1 CD
Opplysninger om utøverne på omslaget. - Innhold: Good times, bad times ; Babe I'm gonna leave you ; Dazed and confused ; Communication breakdown ; Whole lotta love ; What is and what should never be ; Immigrant song ; Since I've been loving you ; Black dog ; Rock and roll ; The battle of evermore ; When the levee breaks ; Stairway to heaven. - Led Zeppelin: Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, John Paul Jones, John Bonham
Popmusikk . - Rock . - heavy rock . - metall . - pop

Andre utgaver/formater

Early days. Volume one.
the best of Led Zeppelin

Musikknoter · Engelsk · 1999
Early days. Volume one.
the best of Led Zeppelin

Musikk på CD · Engelsk · 1999

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