“A chain is only as strong as its weakest link”: collaborative care planning as a person-centred practice

Ingela Jobe
Bok Engelsk 2020

Luleå : Luleå University of Technology , 2020
196 s.
Doktoravhandling. In recent years, person-centred care has become one of the major goals of health and social care policies. A method used, to facilitate collaboration and integrate the person’s perspective in the decision-making process, is the collaborative care planning process. The collaborative care planning process, taking place within primary health care with actors from different welfare services, is a relative new phenomenon. There is a need for more research to understand the process and outcomes. The overall aim of the thesis was to explore and describe the collaborative care planning process as a person-centred practice. This was achieved by conducting four studies describing the collaborative care planning conference (I), exploring how the person-centred practice framework can be applied to professionals participating in collaborative care planning (II), exploring which attributes contribute to making the collaborative care planning process work for all participants (III) and exploring documented collaborative care plans (IV).

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