Poverty and the environment : proceedings from the CROP/ADIPA/UNCTAD workshop "Poverty and the Environment" held in Sabah, Malaysia, October 1995
edited by Arild Angelsen and Matti Vainio ; Michael Alvarez has assisted in finalizing the manuscript
Bok Engelsk 1998 Poverty and the environment (workshop)
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Digital utgave: Søke-URL
Medvirkende | |
Utgitt | Bergen : CROP , 1998
Omfang | 180 s. : ill.
Opplysninger | Over tittelen: International Social Science Council/Conseil Intern ational des Sciences Sociales
Emner | fattigdom miljø økologi miljøproblemer miljøvern miljøpolitikk
Dewey | |
ISBN | 8291844038