Designing and Conducting Business Surveys.

Ger. Snijkers
Bok Engelsk 2013 · Electronic books.
Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley , cop. 2013
1 online resource (642 pages)
1st ed.
Designing and Conducting Business Surveys -- Contents -- Preface -- Contributors -- Abbreviations -- 1. Surveys and Business Surveys -- 1.1. The Objective of this Book -- 1.2. The Statistical Production Process -- 1.3. Surveys -- 1.3.1. Definition of Surveys -- 1.3.2. Survey Constraints, Considerations, and Tradeoffs -- Survey Errors and the Process Quality Approach -- Response Burden -- Trust -- 1.3.3. A Brief Historical Look at Surveys -- 1.4. Types of Business Data Outputs -- 1.4.1. Official Statistics -- National Accounts -- Structural Business Statistics -- Short-Term Statistics -- International and European Comparisons -- 1.4.2. Other Types of Business Data Outputs -- 1.5. Use of Business Data Outputs -- 1.5.1. National, Regional, and Local Economic Performance -- 1.5.2. Individual Business Monitoring and Policymaking -- 1.5.3. Everyday Decisions -- 1.6. Obtaining Business Data -- 1.6.1. Business Data Collection Methods -- 1.7. Business Surveys -- 1.7.1. Types of Business Surveys -- 1.7.2. The Business Survey-Output Production Process -- Business Survey Constraints, Considerations, and Tradeoffs -- Unique Features of Business Surveys -- 1.7.3. Perspectives of the Business Survey Process -- Survey Organization Perspective -- Respondent Perspective -- User Perspective -- 1.8. Overview of the Book -- 1.8.1. The Audience -- 1.8.2. Organization of the Book -- 1.8.3. Chapter Summaries -- Acknowledgments -- Appendix -- 2. The Business Context and its Implications for the Survey Response Process -- 2.1. The Business Context from the Perspective of the Organizational Sciences -- 2.1.1. Business Goals and Behaviors and Implications for Survey Response -- 2.1.2. Dimensions of Social Behavior in Organizations Pertinent to the Survey Response Task.. - 2.1.3. The Response Process Viewed as Work -- How Work is Accomplished -- Social Behavioral Dimensions of Work -- Accomplishing the Work of Survey Response -- 2.2. A Comprehensive Approach Integrating the Business Context and the Survey Response Process -- 2.2.1. The Decision to Participate -- External Environment Factors -- Business/Management Factors -- 2.2.2. Performing Response Tasks -- Organizational Context for Performing Response Tasks -- Organizational Context and Social Behavior -- Organizational Context and the Cognitive Response Process -- 2.2.3. Release of the Questionnaire -- 2.2.4. Role of the Survey Organization in the Business Survey Response Process: Implications for Survey Design -- 2.3. Summary -- Acknowledgments -- 3. Quality Issues in Business Surveys -- 3.1. Survey Quality from a User/producer Perspective -- 3.1.1. Users and User Evaluations of Business Surveys -- 3.1.2. The Total Survey Error Approach -- Quality Constraints -- Survey-Related Effects -- 3.2. Sample-Related Quality Issues -- 3.2.1. A Glimpse into Transaction Studies -- 3.2.2. Specifying Observational Units -- 3.2.3. The Convenience Sample Element -- 3.2.4. Sampling Error Issues -- 3.2.5. Reporting Units and Informants -- 3.2.6. Response Rate Issues -- The Significance of Legal Obligations -- 3.2.7. Quality Effects of Postsurvey Adjustments -- 3.3. Measurement-Related Quality Issues -- 3.3.1. Validity Challenges during Survey Specification -- 3.3.2. Sources of Measurement Error in Business Surveys -- The Business Survey Context -- Question and Questionnaire Elements -- The Content of Business Questionnaires -- 3.3.3. Measurement Issues Summarized -- 3.4. Sample and Measurement Issues Combined -- Acknowledgment -- 4. Planning the Survey.. - 4.1. Introduction -- 4.2. Business Surveys and Project Management Principles -- 4.3. Specifying and Planning the Survey -- 4.3.1. Specifying the Survey -- 4.3.2. Planning the Survey in Detail: The Planning Process -- The Project Plan -- The Business Survey Production Environment -- 4.3.3. Planning the Fieldwork -- 4.3.4. Planning the Designing, Building, and Testing of the Survey Components -- Planning Mode(s) of Data Collection and Questionnaire Design -- Planning the Sample Design and Estimation -- Planning the Survey Communication Strategy Design -- Planning the Data Collection Process -- Planning the Data Processing Procedures -- 4.3.5. Planning the Data Analysis, Dissemination, and Archiving -- 4.3.6. Planning the Survey Evaluation -- 4.4. Required Resources -- 4.5. The Timetable -- 4.6. Planning Managing, Controlling, Monitoring, and Evaluation of the Survey Project -- 4.7. Risk Management -- 4.8. Finalizing the Project Plan and Getting Started -- 4.9. Summary and Progress Status Overview -- Acknowledgment -- 5. Sampling and Estimation for Business Surveys -- 5.1. Basic Principles -- 5.2. Registers and Frames -- 5.2.1. Business Registers -- Sources for Constructing Registers -- Classification -- Frames from Registers -- Updating Registers -- 5.2.2. Constructing a Frame (without a Business Register) -- 5.2.3. Register and Frame Quality -- 5.2.4. Dual-Frame Surveys -- 5.3. Sample Design -- 5.3.1. Some Basic Ideas -- 5.3.2. Stratified Sampling -- Stratification Variables -- Defining the Strata -- Sample Allocation -- Extra Details of Allocation -- Multivariate and Multipurpose Sampling -- Numerical Methods and Software for Stratification -- Sample Selection.. - 5.3.3. Probability Proportional to Size (PPS) Sampling -- 5.3.4. Cutoff Sampling -- 5.3.5. Sample Rotation and Overlap -- 5.3.6. Special Sample Designs -- Product Surveys and Other Detailed Breakdowns of Activity -- Price Index Surveys -- Surveys for Rare Characteristics ("Needle in a Haystack" Surveys) -- 5.4. Estimation -- 5.4.1. Horvitz-Thompson Estimation -- 5.4.2. Some Basic Ideas -- 5.4.3. Ratio Estimation -- 5.4.4. Combined Ratio Estimation -- 5.4.5. More Complex Estimators -- 5.4.6. Accuracy of Auxiliary Information -- 5.4.7. Optimal Uses of Auxiliary Information -- 5.4.8. Estimating Discontinuities -- 5.5. Outliers -- 5.5.1. Inspection and "Surprise Strata" -- 5.5.2. Winsorization -- 5.5.3. Other Approaches -- 5.6. Variance Estimation -- 5.7. Small Area Estimation -- 5.8. Summary -- Acknowledgments -- 6. Understanding and Coping with Response Burden -- 6.1. A Cost versus a Cost Benefit Approach -- 6.1.1. Politicians' Bird's-Eye View -- 6.1.2. Commercial Worries -- 6.1.3. Perceived Response Burden -- 6.2. Measuring and Monitoring Business Response Burden -- 6.2.1. Measuring and Calculating Actual Response Burden -- 6.2.2. Measuring Perceived Response Burden -- 6.2.3. Calculations -- 6.3. An Analytical Approach to Response Burden -- 6.3.1. Disentangling Some Sources of Response Burden -- 6.3.2. Suggesting a Curvilinear Correlation between Response Burden and Response Quality -- 6.4. Measures to Reduce Response Burden -- 6.4.1. Survey Reduction Measures -- 6.4.2. Sample Coordination -- Common Frame and Regime -- Effects on Perceived Response Burden -- 6.4.3. Survey Communication Measures -- 6.4.4. Questionnaire Improvement Measures -- 6.4.5. Tailored Evaluations of Response Burden Reduction Measures -- Acknowledgments.. - 7. Methods for the Development, Testing, and Evaluation of Data Collection Instruments -- 7.1. A Framework for Questionnaire Development, Testing, and Evaluation -- 7.1.1. Business Survey Response Model and Measurement Error -- 7.1.2. Constraints and Limitations to Questionnaire Development, Testing, and Evaluation in the Business Survey Context -- 7.2. Developing Content, Measurements, and Survey Questions -- 7.2.1. The Roles of Subject Area Specialists, Stakeholders, and Data Users -- 7.2.2. Methods for Content Development and Specifying Measurements -- Top-Down Theory-Driven Approaches -- Bottom-Up Data-Driven Approaches -- 7.3. Testing Questions and Questionnaires -- 7.3.1. The Response Model as a Framework for Testing -- 7.3.2. Methods -- 7.4. Evaluating Survey Questions and Questionnaires -- 7.4.1. Methods Used during Data Collection -- 7.4.2. Methods Used after Data Collection -- 7.4.3. Methods for Identifying Questionnaire Problems in Recurring Surveys -- 7.5. Development, Testing, and Evaluation of Electronic Data Collection Instruments -- 7.5.1. Development Strategies for Electronic Instruments -- 7.5.2. Usability Testing -- 7.5.3. Evaluating Web Survey Data Collection Instruments -- 7.6. Analyzing Qualitative Data -- 7.6.1. Data Capture -- 7.6.2. Types of Analysis -- 7.6.3. Data Reduction -- 7.6.4. Data Display -- 7.6.5. Drawing Conclusions and Verification -- 7.7. Multimethod Approaches to Development, Testing, and Evaluation -- 7.8. Organization and Logistics -- 7.8.1. Survey Organizational Structures for Instrument Development, Testing, and Evaluation -- 7.8.2. Pretesting Logistics -- 7.9. Summary -- Acknowledgments -- Appendix 7.A.1 Example of Conclusions from Qualitative Data Analysis: Public Trust in Statistics: A Conceptual Model of Trust Determinants.. - Appendix 7.A.2 Case Study: Logistics of Questionnaire Pretesting for Economic Survey Programs at the US Census Bureau.. - Designing and Conducting Business Surveys provides a coherent overview of the business survey process, from start to finish. It uniquely integrates an understanding of how businesses operate, a total survey error approach to data quality that focuses specifically on business surveys, and sound project management principles. The book brings together what is currently known about planning, designing, and conducting business surveys, with producing and disseminating statistics or other research results from the collected data. This knowledge draws upon a variety of disciplines such as survey methodology, organizational sciences, sociology, psychology, and statistical methods. The contents of the book formulate a comprehensive guide to scholarly material previously dispersed among books, journal articles, and conference papers. This book provides guidelines that will help the reader make educated trade-off decisions that minimize survey errors, costs, and response burden, while being attentive to survey data quality. Major topics include: Determining the survey content, considering user needs, the business context, and total survey quality Planning the survey as a project Sampling frames, procedures, and methods Questionnaire design and testing for self-administered paper, web, and mixed-mode surveys Survey communication design to obtain responses and facilitate the business response process Conducting and managing the survey using paradata and project management tools Data processing, including capture, editing, and imputation, and dissemination of statistical outputs Designing and Conducting Business Surveys is an indispensable resource for anyone involved in designing and/or conducting business or organizational surveys at statistical institutes, central banks, survey organizations, etc.; producing statistics or other. - research results from business surveys at universities, research organizations, etc.; or using data produced from business surveys. The book also lays a foundation for new areas of research in business surveys.

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