The economic consequences of Alzheimer's disease in the context ofnew drug developments

M. Knapp
Bok Engelsk 1998
Side 531- 543
The first national symptomatic treatment for Alzheimer's disease hasreceived a very mixed and perhaps ageist reception from purchasers ofhealth care in the UK. This is largely because detailed informationon the long-term effects of this class of drugs is scarce. However,by looking at the published evidence on the economic burden ofAlzheimer's disease, some observations and assumptions can be made asto the influence of the new drug treatments. The drug therapiesavailable and those most likely to become licensed are reviewed andthe potential economic impact is discussed. Long-term outcome studieswould properly address this, but as these drugs have now demonstratedefficacy, particularly in non-cognitive behaviours, it will beethically more difficult to maintain patients on placebo for longperiods. Some assumptions therefore have to be made from long-termopen-label studies. Those drugs currently available, and those indevelopment, may offer effective treatment for some of the coresymptoms of Alzheimer's disease, slowing the rate of cognitivedecline and preserving competence in activities of daily living forlonger. If handled correctly, these treatments have the potential tooffer cost savings for many patients, and cost-effectivenessimprovements look probable. (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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