Early-stage Alzheimer's disease and multiple subcortical infarctionwith mild cognitive impairment: Neuropsychological comparison usingan easily applicable test battery

H. Tei
Bok Engelsk 1997
Side 355- 358
We conducted a neuropsychological study comparing early-stageAlzheimer's disease (AD; n = 22) and multiple subcortical infarctionwith mild cognitive impairment (MSI; n = 22) using an easilyapplicable test battery which included 8 tests. Two groups werematched for age, education and score on the Mini-Mental StateExamination. Patients with AD had significantly lower scores than MSIpatients in the delayed recall of the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure,while MSI patients had significantly worse scores in the WisconsinCard-Sorting Test. This suggests that early discrimination of MSIfrom AD can be made by frontal system impairment in MSI and episodicmemory disturbance in the visuospatial domain in AD using simpleneuropsychological tests.

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