Incidence of alzheimer's dementia in homes for the elderly

L. Leel-Össy
Bok Engelsk
L Leelossy Vaszary Kolos Univ Hosp Dept Neurol
This study tried to emphasize the significance of statistical data (incidence rate) considering Alzheimer dementia (AD) because variations in incidence and types of dementias do exist in different countries. The data of persons living in two homes (elderly people and psychiatric patients) were overviewed together with the patients admitted to our hospital in 1993. It was discovered that there were 40 Alzheimer dementia cases in our catchment area of 107 000 population which may be increased by private and undiscovered cases to approximately 50 cases. The number of the vascular dementia (VD) proved to be higher (2-3 x) than the AD. Our findings need also explanation considering the different proportions in the incidence rate of Alzheimer and vascular dementia existing between Hungary and other countries. It was concluded that the lower life expectancy, a tendency for vascular diseases and some environmental factors may be responsible for the higher number of VD. However these findings and statements should not decrease our effort in the research work which has to include the study of the etiology, pathogenesis and the possibility of a successful treatment of AD in the future.

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