Isolated amnesia with slow onset and stable course, without ensuingdementia: MRI and PET data and a six-year neuropsychological follow-up

G. Miceli
Bok Engelsk 1996
Side 104- 110
Patient EDS presented with an amnesic disorder of insidious onset (4years) that remained stable and restricted to memory functions over a10-year course. Repeated neuropsychological evaluations over 6 yearsshowed a moderate-to-severe, stable impairment of long-term memoryand of memory for public events, and a milder, stable impairment ofautobiographic memory and of short-term memory. Language, perception,praxis and 'frontal' functions were fully preserved. MRI showedatrophy of the right hippocampus, of the right mammillary body and ofthe sylvian fissure (bilaterally, but more marked on the left). OnPET scan, metabolic activity in the mesial temporal structures wassignificantly reduced on the right and was at lower normal levels onthe left. The disorder observed in EDS is similar to that recentlyreported in other patients. Possible etiologies of the selectiveamnesia observed in EDS are considered and their implicationsdiscussed.

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