Backstory : interviews with screenwriters of Hollywood's golden age
edited and with an introduction by Pat McGilligan
Bok Engelsk 1986
Utgitt | Berkeley : University of California Press , c1986
Omfang | viii, 382 s. : ill
Emner | Bennett, Charles
Burnett, W. R. Busch, Niven Cain, James M. Vis mer... Coffee, Lenore , 1896-1984
Dunne, Philip Epstein, Julius J. Goodrich, Frances Krasna, Norman Mahin, John Lee Maibaum, Richard Robinson, Casey Scott, Allan Hollywood (Los Angeles, Calif.) - Biography Screenwriters - Interviews - California Los Angeles film manusforfattere forentestater intervjuer |
ISBN | 0520056663. - 0520056892