Qualitative inquiry and research design : choosing among five approaches

John W. Creswell av John W. Creswell, Cheryl N. Poth, John W. Creswell
Bok Bokmål 2018
Annen tittel
SAGE Publications , 2018
XXV, 459 s. : fig.
4th ed.
1st ed 1998, med undertittel : Choosing among five traditions. - 2nd ed. 2007. - 3rd ed. 2013. - Introduction : Positioning ourselves ; Definition of qualitative research ; Selection of the five approaches -- Philosophical assumptions and interpretive frameworks : Situating philosophy and interpretive frameworks within the research process ; Philosophical assumptions : Why philosophy is important; Four philosophical assumptions; Writing philosophical assumptions into qualitative studies ; Interpretive frameworks : Postpositivism; Social constructivism; Transformative frameworks; Postmodern perspectives; Pragmatism; Feminist theories; Critical theory and critical race theory; Queer theory; Disabilities theories ; The practice of using interpretive frameworks in qualitative research ; Linking philosophy and interpretive frameworks in qualitative research -- Designing a qualitative study : The characteristics of qualitative research ; When to use qualitative research ; What a qualitative study requires from us ; The features of a "good" qualitative study ; The process of designing a qualitative study : Preliminary considerations; Phases in the research process; Elements in all phases of the research ; Ethics in qualitative research ; The design structures of a plan or proposal : Design considerations useful for engaging readers; General writing structures -- Five qualitative approaches to inquiry : Deciding among the five approaches ; Narrative research ; Phenomenological research ; Grounded theory research ; Ethnographic research ; Case study research ; Comparing the five approaches -- Five different qualitative studies : A narrative study ; A phenomenological study ; A grounded theory study ; An ethnographic study ; A case study ; Differences among the approaches : Central features of each approach; Selecting your approach -- Introducing and focusing the study : Interrelating the study problem, purpose, and questions within research ; The research problem statement ; The purpose statement ; The research question : The central question; Subquestions -- Data collection : The data collection circle : Ethical considerations for data collection; The site or individual; Access and rapport; Forms of data; Recording procedures; Field issues; Data storage and security ; Five approaches compared -- Data analysis and representation : Ethical considerations for data analysis ; Three analysis strategies ; The data analysis spiral : Managing and organizing the data; Reading and memoing emergent ideas; Describing and classifying codes into themes; Developing and assessing interpretations ; Representing and visualizing the data ; Analysis withing approaches to inquiry : Narrative research analysis and representation; Phenomenological analysis and representation; Grounded theory analysis and representation; Ethnographic analysis and representation; Case study analysis and representation ; Comparing the five approaches ; Computer use in qualitative data analysis : Advantages and disadvantages; How to decide whether to use a computer program; A sampling of computer programs and features; How to choose among the computer programs -- Writing a qualitative study : Ethical considerations for writing ; Several writing strategies : Reflexivity and representations in writing; Audience for our writings; Encoding our writings; Quotes in our writings ; Overall and embedded writing strategies : Narrative writing structures; Phenomenological writing structures; Grounded theory writing structures; Ethnographic writing structures; Case study writing structures ; A comparison of writing structures across approaches -- Standards of validation and evaluation : Validation and reliability in qualitative research : Perspectives on validation; Validation strategies; Reliability perspectives and procedures ; Evaluation criteria ; Comparing the evaluation standards of the five approaches -- "Turning the story" and conclusion : Turning the story ; A case study: "Campus response to a student gunman" / Kelly J. Asmussen and John W. Creswell -- A case study ; A narrative study ; A phenomenology ; A grounded theory study ; An ethnography ; Conclusion -- Appendix A. An annotated glossary of terms -- Appendix B. A narrative research study : "Living in the space between participant and researcher as a narrative inquirer: examining ethnic identity of Chinese Canadian students as conflicting stories to live by" / Elaine Chan -- Appendix C. A phenomenological study : "Cognitive representation of AIDS" / Elizabeth H. Anderson and Margaret Hull Spencer -- Appendix D. A grounded theory study : "Developing long-term physical activity participation: a grounded theory study with African American women" / Amy E. Harley, Janet Buckworth, Mira L. Katz, Sharla K. Willis, Angela Odoms-Young, and Catherine A. Heaney -- Appendix E. An ethnography : "British-born Pakistani and Bangladeshi young men: exploring unstable concepts of Muslim, Islamophobia and racialization / Mairtin Mac an Ghaill and Chris Haywood -- Appendix F. A case study : "Relational underpinnings and professionality: a case study of a teacher's practices involving students with experiences of school failure" / Anneli Frelin.. - This book explores the philosophical underpinnings, history, and key elements of five qualitative inquiry approaches: narrative research, phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography, and case study. The authors compare the approaches and relate research designs to each of the traditions of inquiry in a highly accessible manner. Featuring new content, articles, pedagogy, references, and expanded coverage of ethics throughout, the book is an introduction to the theories, strategies, and practices of qualitative inquiry.
Research - Design.
Social sciences - Methodology.
Kvalitative metoder
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