Syria : descent into the abyss

Bok Engelsk 2016
Annen tittel
Miami, Flor. London : Mango Media : The Independent , [2016]
248 sider
Navngitte bidragsytere / reportere på omslaget: Robert Fisk, Patrick Cockburn, Kim Sengupta, men fleire utenrikskorrespondenter har bidrag enn disse tre.. - Utvidet versjon av: Syria : descent into the abyss 2011-2014. - Spring 2011 : it begins -- Summer 2011 : armed insurrection -- Autumn 2011 : dying for Assad -- Winter 2012 : conflict goes international -- Spring 2012 : "cleaning" -- Summer 2012 : inconvenient truth -- Autumn 2012 : divided state -- Winter 2013 : horror upon horror -- Spring 2013 : barbaric beyond belief -- Summer 2013 : the media is getting it wrong -- Autumn 2013 : hopes for a Hollywood ending -- Winter 2014 : destroying the past too -- Spring 2014 : Damascus to Homs -- Summer 2014 : ISIS takes over -- Autumn 2014 : breeding ISIS -- Winter 2015 : ISIS digs in -- Spring 2015 : defeating ISIS -- Summer 2015 : no end to the slaughter -- Autumn 2015 : no good guys left. - "This remarkable anthology of reportage chronicles more than four years of spiralling violence and despair in Syria: atrocity heaped upon atrocity, misery upon misery, and all - so far - to no avail. No faction is without blood on its hands; no crime, from torture to poison gas , has been deemed taboo. The dead are too numerous to count. As for the living, close to 3 million refugees have fled Syria, with millions more internally displaced. How did we come to this? There is no better way to answer this question than to revisit The Independent's published accounts of the unfolding tragedy. Spearheaded by peerless and profoundly experienced correspondents such as Patrick Cockburn, Robert Fisk, and Kim Sengupta, our coverage has led the world in its fearlessness and insight. Syria's tragedy is not yet over"--Back cover
Political violence - History - Syria
Protest movements - History - Syria
protestrørsle politisk vald borgerkrig intervensjonskrig Den arabiske våren
Syria Midtausten
Geografisk emneord
1-63353-370-0. - 978-1-63353-370-7

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