Is it the sea? : A BBC recording

Bonnie "Prince" Billy with Harem Scarem and Alx Neilson
Musikk på CD Engelsk 2008 Bonnie Prince Billy,· Folk
Edinburgh : Domino , 2008
1 CD
Bonnie "Prince" Billy er psevdonym for Will Oldham. - Domino: wigcd213. - Tekster og opplysninger om utøverne på omslaget. - Innhold: Minor place ; Love comes to me ; Bed is for sleeping ; Arise therefore ; Wolf among wolves Ain't you wealthy? Ain't you wise? ; Cursed sleep ; Molly Bawn ; Birch ballad ; New partner ; Is it the sea? ; My home is the sea ; Master and everyone. - Utøvere: Harem Scarem: Sarah McFadyen, Nuala Kennedy, Eilidh Shaw, Inge Thomson, Ross Martin
Folk . - Popmusikk . - pop . - rock

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