My life without me

a film by Isabel Coixet ; producers: Esther Garcia and Gordon McLeannan ; executive producers: Pedro Almodovar, Agustin Almodovar and Ogden Gavanski
DVD Uten språklig innhold 2002
Annen tittel
S.l. : Metrodome , 2002
1 videoplate (DVD-video)(101 min) : lyd, kol
Basert på novellen "Pretending the bed is a raft" av Nanci Kincaid. - Inneholder ekstramateriale. - Kodet for region 2. - Norske undertekster valgbare. - Rolleliste: Sara Polley, Amanda Plummer, Scott Speedman, Leonor Watling, Deborah Harry, Maria de Medeiros and Mark Ruffalo

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