ReRites: human + A.I. poetry ; Raw output : A.I. trained on custom poetry corpus ; Responses : 8 essays about poetry and A.I.

introduced and edited by Stephanie Strickland; with essays by Allison Parrish, Johanna Drucker, Kyle Booten, John Cayley, Lai-Tze Fan, Nick Montfort, Mairéad Byrne, Chris Funkhouser, and an author-note from David (Jhave) Johnston
Bok Engelsk 2019 David Jhave Johnston
181 sider
ReRites ble unnfanget (2015), kodet (2016) og implementert (2017) av David (Jhave) Johnston. - Poiesis In Our Time 12-23-18 / Stephanie Strickland -- Harvesting ReRites / Kyle Booten -- Where did the monkeys come from? / Johanna Drucker -- Light in July / Mairéad Byrne -- An octopus/jelly-bean/of speech (181) / Chris Funkhouser -- Computational Writing as Living Art / Nick Montfort -- The Time of Tongues Is Past / John Cayley -- Symbiotic Authorship: A Comparative Textual Criticism of A.I.-Generated and Human-Edited Poetry / Lai-Tze Fan -- Syntactic Crystals and the Slow Cooker: Editing «ClimateChange» / Allison Parrish -- Why A.I.? / Jhave.. - ReRites is a project consisting of 12 poetry books (generated by a computer then edited by poet David Jhave Johnston) created between May 2017-18. Jhave produced one book of poetry per month, utilizing neural networks trained on a contemporary poetry corpus to generate source texts which were then edited into the ReRites poems. (The limited edition boxset) is a conceptual proof-of-concept about the impact of augmented creativity and human-machine symbiosis. This book contains 60 pages of poems selected from the over 4500 pages of ReRites poems; some of the Raw Output generated by the computer; and 8 Response essays.

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