Sexual violence and restorative justice : addressing the justice gap

Marie Keenan and Estelle Zinsstag
Bok Engelsk 2022
xxii, 380 pages
Cover -- Sexual Violence and Restorative Justice -- Copyright -- Dedication -- Contents -- List of Figures -- List of Tables -- List of Acronyms -- Introduction: Exploring restorative justice in cases of sexual violence -- 1. Origins -- 2. Definitions and terms -- 3. Towards a theoretical framework -- 4. Methodology and data collection techniques -- 5. The structure of the book -- 1. Understanding sexual violence: Victims, offenders, and society -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Sexual violence: prevalence, definitions, and dimensions of the problem -- 3. Victims of sexual violence -- 4. Perpetrators of sexual violence -- 5. Explanatory theories of sexual violence -- 6. Final remarks -- 2. Sexual violence, criminal legal frameworks, and the need for reform -- 1. Introduction -- 2. The legislative framework across jurisdictions -- 3. Reporting and non-​reporting of sexual violence to judicial authorities -- 4. Legal reform and the limits of legal reform -- 5. More law reform and/​or restorative justice? -- 6. Final remarks -- 3. International policy drivers and contexts: Restorative justice after sexual crime -- 1. Introduction -- 2. The 2012 EU Victims Directive 2012/​29/​EU (on restorative justice) -- 3. Restorative justice and the Istanbul Convention -- 4. Council of Europe Recommendation CM/​Rec (2018)8 concerning restorative justice in criminal matters -- 5. The EU Milquet Report on Compensation, 2019 -- 6. European Strategy on victims' rights 2020-​2025 -- 7. The United Nations on restorative justice -- 8. Final remarks -- 4. Restorative justice practice after sexual violence: Reviewing selected empirical research -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Restorative justice and sexual violence: criminal justice, methodologies, and criteria -- 3. Consequences, effectiveness, and possible outcomes of restorative justice after sexual violence for victims and offenders.. - 4. Doing restorative justice in cases of sexual violence: some guidelines -- 5. Final remarks -- Conclusion-​Addressing the justice gap: the potential of restorative justice after sexual violence -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Findings: asking and answering the right questions -- 3. Addressing the feminist critique -- 4. A maximalist consequentialist theory of restorative justice for sexual violence -- 5. Restorative justice as moral repair -- 6. Final remarks -- References -- Index.. - 4. Final remarks -- 5. Restorative justice after sexual violence: Mapping the international field of practice -- 1. Introduction -- 2. The research methodology -- 3. Demographic survey findings -- 4. Fully restorative justice interventions in cases of sexual violence: survey findings -- 5. Alternative/​quasi restorative justice practices in cases of sexual violence: survey findings -- 6. Final remarks -- 6. A thematic analysis of policies and practices in five European countries: Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands, and Norway -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Country profiles -- 3. Thematic analysis -- 4. Final remarks -- 7. Past and current initiatives: Examples of programmes from six jurisdictions -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Suggnomè/​Moderator: mediation for redress -- 3. AIM Project -- 4. Brown University transformative justice initiative -- 5. Triptiek -- 6. Circles of Support and Accountability (COSA) -- 7. Healing circles: Green Bay Correctional Institute -- 8. Final remarks -- 8. Four personal narratives of restorative justice practices following sexual violence -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Mediation in a rape case by the AIM Project (United Kingdom): a practitioner's account -- 3. Mediation in a case of historical clerical sexual abuse in the Netherlands -- 4. Restorative justice in a case of childhood sexual abuse in Ireland: Lara's Story in her own words -- 5. A meeting between a rape survivor and her offender in the framework of Gacaca in Rwanda: Mariserina's account -- 6. Final remarks -- 9. Training and guidelines for restorative justice practice after sexual violence -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Current situation regarding training for restorative justice practitioners -- 3. Making the case for additional specialised training for restorative justice practitioners after sexual violence.. - This book examines the degree to which restorative justice can contribute to a more enhanced justice response than that currently offered by criminal legal approaches alone to victims, offenders, and their communities in cases of sexual crime.
0-19-260227-6. - 978-0-19-189063-8

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