A Fistful of spaghetti : encyclopedia of Italian progressive rock, experimental, electronic music, etc.

by Steven Freeman & Alan Freeman
Bok Engelsk 2022
Leicester : Audion Publications , 2022
240 sider : illustrasjoner
Inneholder blant annet diskografier og biografier over italienske band og artister inenfor progressiv rock, new wave, industrial, ambient, avantgarde og andre eksperimentelle sjangere med hovedtyngden på 1970-tallet. Har innholdsfortegnelse og register (s. 223-228). - Fra omslaget: "What you hold in your hand is a landmark publication, our long awaited extensive survey of the amazing Italian "Spaghetti-Rock" scene. Although centred on the progressive rock scene of the 1970s, we have attempted to cover all related genres here, amounting to more than just another prog rock guide. Indeed we believe that "A Fistful of spaghetti" is the first English encyclopedia of Italian rock and new-music to fully examine this too-often overlooked but amazingly prolific and innovative scene in all its facets, tracing its roots from the avant-garde and pop music, via the new freedom of the post psychedelic era that gave birth to it"

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