The scorch trials

James Dashner
Bok Engelsk 2010 · Amerikansk litteratur
New York : Delacorte , 2010
361 s.
The book starts with Thomas sleeping in the dormitory with the other teenagers – known as the Gladers, who had escaped from the Maze in the previous book – where they had been brought by a group of rescuers. Thomas is woken by a telepathic communication with Teresa, the only girl from the Glade, who is afraid. As Thomas wakes up, he finds that the facility is being attacked by Cranks – aggressive zombie-like people that have been affected by a plague known as the Flare. Cranks were normal citizens before The Flare, after which they became crazed zombie-like killers. Thomas and the others escape into the facility's common area and discover that their rescuers are dead. They also find that Teresa is missing from her room, and in her place is a boy named Aris Jones. Aris explains that he escaped from a similar Maze experiment, dubbed Group B, in which he was the only male. The boys then discover tattoos on their necks assigning them specific roles and fates. - Labyrinten var bare begynnelsen for Thomas og de andre lysningsboerne. De trodde de var reddet da de løste labyrintens gåte. At det ikke var flere prøvelser eller flere variabler eller mer løping. Thomas var sikker på at han og de andre ville få tilbake sine gamle liv. Selv om ingen av dem visste hva slags liv de hadde å komme tilbake til. Istedenfor frihet befinner de seg ansikt til ansikt med en ny prøvelse. De får to uker på seg til å krysse Svimark, verdens mest utbrente område, og komme seg til en trygg havn. Og OND kommer uten tvil til å endre på variablene og øke utfordringene. Science fiction for ungdomstrinnet. Omtalen er utarbeidet av BS.

Andre utgaver/formater

The scorch trials : [Bok 2]
James Dashner

Bok · Engelsk · 2011

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