Verdenshistorien gjennom 100 år : Dager som rystet vår verden

DVD Bokmål
London : PS-Music Norway
12 DVD plater (600 min.)
1 The coronation of Queen Elizabeth II + The death of Diana. - 10 The assissination of JFK + Resignation of Nixon. - 11 Marconi's first transatlantic radio transmission + Concorde's first transatlantic flight. - 12 Chuck Yeager + Blue Bird. - 2 The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand + The death of Hitler. - 3 The assissination of Martin Luther King + The release of Nelson Mandela. - 4 Hiroshima. - 5 The murder of the Romanovs + The fall of the Berlin wall. - 6 Kristallnacht + The birth of Israel. - 7 Tutankhamun's tomb + The Rosetta stone. - 8 Black September + Lockerbie. - 9 First nuclear reaction + Chernobyl

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