Sea ice image processing with MATLAB®

Qin Zhang and Roger Skjetne
Bok Engelsk 2018
xxix, 242 sider : illustrasjoner (noen i farger), diagrammer
Har register. - Introduction : research background -- Digital image processing preliminaries -- Ice pixel detection -- Ice edge detection -- Watershed-based ice floe segmentation -- GVF snake-based ice floe boundary identification and ice image segmentation -- Sea-ice type identification -- Sea-ice image processing applications -- Model sea-ice image processing applications. - Sea Image Processing with MATLAB® addressses the topic of image processing for the extraction of key sea ice characteristics from digital photography, which is of great relevance for Artic remote sensing and marine operations. This valuable guide provides tools for quantifying the ice environment that needs to be identified and reproduced for such testing. This includes fit-for-purpose studies of existing vessels, new-build conceptual design and detailed engineering design studies for new developments, and studies of demanding marine operations involving multiple vessels and operational scenarios in sea ice. A major contribution of this work is the development of automated computer algorithms for efficient image analysis. These are used to process individual sea ice images and video streams of images to extract parameters such as ice floe size distribution, and ice types. Readers are supplied with source codes of the algorithms for the image processing methods discussed in the book made available as online material

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