The midnight club

Christopher Pike
Punktskrift Engelsk 2022 · Grøsser

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Oslo : Norsk lyd- og blindeskriftbibliotek , 2022
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I prod. per sept. 2022. - Punktskrift. - produksjon. - NLB. - Rotterham Home was a hospice for young people--a place where teenagers with terminal illnesses went to die. Nobody who checked in ever checked out. Every night at twelve, a group of young guys and girls at the hospice came together to tell stories. They called themselves the Midnight Club, and their stories could be true or false, inspiring or depressing, or somewhere in-between. One night, in the middle of a particularly scary story, the teenagers make a secret pact with each other, which says, "The first one who dies will do whatever he or she can do to contact us from beyond the grave, to give us proof that there is life after death." Omtalen er utarbeide av BS.

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The midnight club
Christopher Pike

Bok · Engelsk · 0
The midnight club
Christopher Pike

Tale på CD · Engelsk · 2022

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