Nanotechnology and the Environment.

Robert V. Neumann
Bok Engelsk 2009 · Electronic books.
1 online resource (149 pages)
1st ed.
Intro -- NANOTECHNOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT -- NANOTECHNOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT -- CONTENTS -- PREFACE* -- NANOTECHNOLOGY WHITE PAPER -- FOREWORD -- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS -- EXECUTIVE SUMMARY -- INTRODUCTION -- 1.1. PURPOSE -- 1.2. NANOTECHNOLOGY DEFINED -- 1.2.1 Converging Technologies -- 1.3. WHY NANOTECHNOLOGY IS IMPORTANT TO EPA -- 1.4. NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL CONTEXT -- 1.4.1. Federal Agencies - The National Nanotechnology Initiative -- 1.4.2. Efforts of Other Stakeholders -- 1.4.3. International Activities -- 1.5. WHAT EPA IS DOING WITH RESPECT TO NANOTECHNOLOGY -- 1.5.1. EPA's Nanotechnology Research Activities -- 1.5.2. Regional Nanotechnology Research Activities for Remediation -- 1.5.3. Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics Activities Related to Nanoscale Materials -- 1.5.4. Office of Air and Radiation/Office of Transportation and Air Quality - Nanomaterials Registration Applications -- 1.5.5. Office of Pesticide Programs to Regulate Nano-Pesticide Products -- 1.5.6. Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response -- 1.5.7. Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance -- 1.5.8. Communication and Outreach -- 1.6. OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES -- ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS OF NANOTECHNOLOGY -- 2.1. INTRODUCTION -- 2.2. BENEFITS THROUGH ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY APPLICATIONS -- 2.2.1. Remediation/Treatment -- 2.2.2. Sensors -- 2.3. BENEFITS THROUGH OTHER APPLICATIONS THAT SUPPORT SUSTAINABILITY -- 2.3.1. Water -- 2.3.2. Energy -- 2.3.3. Materials -- 2.3.4. Fuel Additives -- RISK ASSESSMENT OF NANOMATERIALS -- 3.1. INTRODUCTION -- 3.2. CHEMICAL IDENTIFICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF NANOMATERIALS -- 3.3. ENVIRONMENTAL FATE OF NANOMATERIALS -- 3.3.1. Fate of Nanomaterials in Air -- 3.3.2. Fate of Nanomaterials in Soil -- 3.3.3. Fate of Nanomaterials in Water -- 3.3.4 Biodegradation of Nanomaterials.. - 3.3.5. Bioavailability and Bioaccumulation of Nanomaterials -- 3.3.6. Potential for Toxic Transformation Products from Nanomaterials -- 3.3.7. Interactions between Nanomaterials and Organic or Inorganic Contaminants: Effects and the Potential for Practical Applications -- 3.3.8. Applicability of Current Environmental Fate and Transport Models to Nanomaterials -- 3.4. ENVIRONMENTAL DETECTION AND ANALYSIS OF NANOMATERIALS -- 3.5. HUMAN EXPOSURES AND THEIR MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL -- 3.5.1. Exposure to Nanomaterials -- 3.5.2. Populations and Sources of Exposure -- Occupational Exposure -- Release and General Population Exposure -- 3.5.3. Exposure Routes -- Inhalation Exposure -- Ingestion Exposure -- Dermal Exposure -- Ocular Exposure -- 3.5.4. Exposure Mitigation -- Engineering Controls -- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) -- 3.5.5. Quantifying Exposure to Nanomaterials -- 3.5.6. Tools for Exposure Assessment -- Monitoring Data -- Exposure Modeling -- 3.6. HUMAN HEALTH EFFECTS OF NANOMATERIALS -- 3.6.1. Adequacy of Current Toxicological Database -- 3.6.2. Toxicity and Hazard Identification of Engineered/Manufactured Nanomaterials -- 3.6.3. Adequacy of Toxicity Test Methods for Nanomaterials -- 3.6.4. Dosimetry and Fate of Intentionally Produced Nanomaterials -- 3.6.5. Susceptible Subpopulations -- 3.6.6. Health Effects of Environmental Technologies That Use Nanomaterials -- 3.7. ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF NANOMATERIALS -- 3.7.1. Uptake and Accumulation of Nanomaterials -- 3.7.2. Aquatic Ecosystem Effects -- 3.7.3. Terrestrial Ecosystem Effects -- 3.7.4. Ecological Testing Issues -- RESPONSIBLE DEVELOPMENT -- 4.1. RESPONSIBLE DEVELOPMENT OF NANOSCALE MATERIALS -- 4.2. PROGRAM AREAS -- 4.2.1. Chemical Substances -- 4.2.2. Pesticides -- 4.2.3. Air.. - 4.2.4. Pollution Prevention -- 4.2.5. Water -- 4.2.6. Solid Waste -- 4.2.7. Toxics Release Inventory Program -- 4.3. ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP -- EPA'S RESEARCH NEEDS FOR NANOMATERIALS -- 5.1. RESEARCH NEEDS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL APPLICATIONS -- 5.1.1. Green Manufacturing Research Needs -- 5.1.2. Green Energy Research Needs -- 5.1.3. Environmental Remediation/Treatment Research Needs -- 5.1.4. Sensors -- 5.2. RESEARCH NEEDS FOR RISK ASSESSMENT -- 5.2.1. Chemical Identification and Characterization -- 5.2.2. Environmental Fate and Treatment Research Needs -- Transport Research Questions -- Transformation Research Questions -- Chemical Interaction Research Questions -- Treatment Research Questions -- Assessment Approaches and Tools Questions -- 5.2.3. Environmental Detection and Analysis Research Needs -- Existing Methods and Technologies Research Questions -- New Methods and Technologies Research Needs -- 5.2.4. Human Exposures, Their Measurement and Control -- Risk and Exposure Assessment Research Questions -- Release and Exposure Quantification Research Questions -- Release and Exposure Reduction and Mitigation Research Questions -- 5.2.5. Human Health Effects Assessment Research Needs -- 5.2.6. Ecological Effects Research Needs -- 5.2.7. Risk Assessment Research - Case Study -- RECOMMENDATIONS -- 6.1. RESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL APPLICATIONS -- 6.1.1. Research Recommendations for Green Manufacturing -- 6.1.2. Research Recommendations for Green Energy -- 6.1.3. Environmental Remediation/Treatment Research Needs -- 6.1.4. Research Needs for Sensors -- 6.1.5. Research Needs for Other Environmental Applications -- 6.2. RESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONS FOR RISK ASSESSMENT -- 6.2.1 Research Recommendations for Chemical Identification and Characterization.. - 6.2.2. Research Recommendations for Environmental Fate and Treatment -- 6.2.3. Research Recommendations for Environmental Detection and Analysis -- 6.2.4. Research Recommendation Human Exposures, their Measurement and Control -- 6.2.5. Research Recommendations for Human Health Effects Assessment -- 6.2.6. Ecological Exposure and Effects -- 6.2.7. Recommendations to Address Overarching Risk Assessment Needs - Case Study -- 6.3. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR POLLUTION PREVENTION AND ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP -- 6.4. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR COLLABORATIONS -- 6.5. RECOMMENDATION TO CONVENE A -- 6.6. RECOMMENDATION FOR TRAINING -- 6.7. SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS -- REFERENCES -- GLOSSARY OF NANOTECHNOLOGY TERMS -- PRINCIPLES OF ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP BEHAVIOR -- EPA'S NANOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH FRAMEWORK -- EPA STAR GRANTS FOR NANOTECHNOLOGY -- LIST OF NANOTECHNOLOGY WHITE PAPER EXTERNAL PEER REVIEWERS AND THEIR AFFILIATIONS -- INDEX.

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