Faster Disaster Recovery : The Business Owner's Guide to Developing a Business Continuity Plan.

Samuel F. Elder
Bok Engelsk 2019 · Electronic books.
1 online resource (202 pages)
Intro -- Faster Disaster Recovery -- Contents -- Preface -- Note -- Chapter 1 Business Disaster Defined -- Disaster Timing and Size -- Disaster Types -- Note -- Chapter 2 Why You Need a Plan -- Disasters Occur . . . a Lot -- Disasters Happen Quickly -- Disaster Response Is Expensive -- Impaired Response -- Some Industries Require Them -- Your Reputation and Value Are at Stake -- Additional Reasons -- Why Businesses Fail to Plan -- Notes -- Chapter 3 Business Continuity Planning -- The Five-Step Business Continuity Cycle -- The Business Continuity Planning Process -- Getting Started -- Note -- Chapter 4 Step 1: Obtain Management Support -- Management's Role -- Obtaining Management Support and Approval -- Note -- Chapter 5 Step 2: Assemble a Planning Team -- Role of the Planning Team -- Who to Include -- Organization of the Team -- The First Meeting -- Chapter 6 Step 3: Collect Data -- Identify Your Mission-Critical Functions -- Department Evaluations -- Policies and Procedures -- Regulatory Codes and Requirements -- Useful Documents -- Sample Forms -- Chapter 7 Step 4: Evaluate Operations -- Chapter 8 Step 5: Identify and Evaluate Risks -- Risk Assessment Process -- Step 1: Evaluation of Internal Vulnerabilities -- Step 2: Identification of External Risks -- Step 3: Definition of Risk Tolerance -- Step 4: Evaluation of Threats -- Heat Map -- Impact Evaluation -- Risk Analysis Worksheet -- Step 5: Risk Response -- Step 6: Monitoring -- Three Risk Assessment Methods to Consider -- Employee Surveys -- PESTLE Analysis -- SWOT Analysis -- Assign a Chief Risk Officer -- Chapter 9 Step 6: Determine Recovery Strategies -- Prevention -- Incident Response -- Business Continuation -- Communications During a Disaster -- Information to Include -- Preparation and Coordination -- Notification Systems -- Employee Communications -- Specific Considerations.. - Chapter 10 Steps 7-10: Create, Communicate, Test, and Regularly Update Your Written Plan -- A Complete Business Continuity Plan -- Executive Summary -- Introduction -- Business Continuity Strategy -- Disaster Response Team -- Disaster Response -- Supporting Documents -- A Basic Business Continuity Plan -- After the Plan is Written -- Practice Your Plan -- Chapter 11 Insurance Coverage -- Predisaster Financial Planning -- Advanced Lines of Credit -- Self-Insurance -- Commercial Insurance -- Basic Types of Insurance -- Property Insurance -- Automobile Insurance -- Liability Insurance -- Understanding Your Coverage -- Concepts to Know -- Deductibles -- Home-Based Business Issues -- Proximate Cause -- Flood -- Earthquake -- Information Technology -- Business Income -- Extended Period of Indemnity -- Filing an Insurance Claim -- Insurance Adjuster versus Public Adjuster -- Notes -- Chapter 12 Computer Systems: Disaster Prevention and Recovery -- Causes and Costs of IT Disasters -- IT Disaster Prevention -- Laptop and Cell Phone Protection -- Network Security -- Operating in the "Cloud" -- Creating an IT Disaster Recovery Plan -- Cyber Insurance -- Notes -- Chapter 13 Special Disaster Issues -- Power Outage -- Fire -- Hazardous Materials Spill -- Flood -- Hurricane -- Earthquake -- Tornado -- Winter Storm -- Heat Wave -- Flu -- Conclusion -- Appendix A Insurance Coverage Worksheet -- Appendix B Risk Analysis Worksheet -- Appendix C Damage Assessment Form -- Appendix D Summary of Communication Systems -- Appendix E Emergency Communications Summary -- Appendix F Business Continuity Plan Outline -- Appendix G Schedule of Training and Testing -- Appendix H List of U.S. Privacy Laws -- Appendix I IT Backup and Testing Log -- Appendix J Sample Computer Network Map -- About the Author -- Index -- EULA.

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