The Regulation of International Trade, Volume 2 : The WTO Agreements on Trade in Goods.

Petros C. Mavroidis
Bok Engelsk 2016 · Electronic books.
1 online resource (887 pages)
1st ed.
Intro -- Contents -- Preface -- Introduction -- 1 Annex 1A Agreements Dealing with Customs Procedures -- 1.1 Clearing Goods through Customs -- 1.2 ILA -- 1.3 CVA -- 1.4 The Agreement on Preshipment Inspection (PSI) -- 1.5 Trade Facilitation -- 1.6 Concluding Remarks -- 2 Antidumping -- 2.1 The Legal Discipline and Its Rationale -- 2.2 The Relationship with GATT -- 2.3 Calculating the Dumping Margin -- 2.4 Injury Analysis -- 2.5 The Causality Requirement -- 2.6 Imposing Antidumping Duties -- 2.7 Administrative Review of AD Duties -- 2.8 Sunset Reviews -- 2.9 Duties Can Be Imposed Only Following Investigation -- 2.10 Special and Differential Treatment -- 2.11 The Standard of Review by WTO Adjudicating Bodies -- 2.12 Remedies against Illegally Imposed AD Duties -- 2.13 Institutional Issues -- 2.14 Is Dumping Unfair? -- 2.15 Concluding Remarks -- 3 Subsidies -- 3.1 The Legal Discipline and Its Rationale -- 3.2 The Relationship with GATT -- 3.3 Defining a Subsidy -- 3.4 Three Categories of Subsidies -- 3.5 Actionable Subsidies -- 3.6 Nonactionable Subsidies -- 3.7 Prohibited Subsidies -- 3.8 CVDs: Substantive Requirements -- 3.9 CVDs: Procedural Requirements -- 3.10 Administrative Reviews -- 3.11 Sunset Reviews -- 3.12 Special and Differential Treatment for Developing Countries -- 3.13 The Standard of Review Applied by WTO Adjudicating Bodies -- 3.14 Fisheries Subsidies -- 3.15 Institutional Issues -- 3.16 Concluding Remarks -- 4 Safeguards -- 4.1 The Legal Discipline and Its Rationale -- 4.2 The Legal Relationship with GATT -- 4.3 The Road to the SG Agreement -- 4.4 The Right to Safeguard Action -- 4.5 Applying Safeguards -- 4.6 Procedural Requirements -- 4.7 Special Safeguard Regime with Respect to China -- 4.8 Special and Differential Treatment for Developing Countries -- 4.9 Standard of Review -- 4.10 Institutions -- 4.11 Concluding Remarks.. - 5 Technical Barriers to Trade -- 5.1 The Legal Discipline and Its Rationale -- 5.2 The Relationship with GATT -- 5.3 Coverage -- 5.4 International Standards -- 5.5 Technical Regulations -- 5.6 Standards -- 5.7 Conformity Assessment -- 5.8 Special and Differential Treatment for Developing Countries -- 5.9 Institutional Issues -- 5.10 Concluding Remarks -- 6 Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures -- 6.1 The Legal Discipline and Its Rationale -- 6.2 The Relationship with GATT and the Other Annex 1A Agreements -- 6.3 Coverage -- 6.4 International Standards -- 6.5 Unilateral Measures Must Be Based on Science -- 6.6 Measures Based on Precaution -- 6.7 Measures Must Be Applied in a Nondiscriminatory Way -- 6.8 Measures Must Be Necessary -- 6.9 Consistency -- 6.10 Special and Differential Treatment -- 6.11 Transparency -- 6.12 Standard of Review 94 -- 6.13 Institutional Issues -- 6.14 Concluding Remarks -- 7 Trade-Related Investment Measures (TRIMs) -- 7.1 The Legal Discipline and Its Rationale -- 7.2 The Relationship with GATT and the Other Annex 1A Agreements -- 7.3 Trade and Investment -- 7.4 The TRIMs Agreement -- 7.5 Institutions -- 7.6 Review of the Agreement -- 7.7 Concluding Remarks -- 8 Agreement on Agriculture -- 8.1 The Legal Discipline and Its Rationale -- 8.2 The Relationship with GATT and the Other Annex 1A Agreements -- 8.3 The Road to the AG Agreement -- 8.4 Product Coverage and Schedules of Concessions -- 8.5 Border Measures -- 8.6 Domestic Support -- 8.7 Export Subsidies -- 8.8 Minimum Access Requirements -- 8.9 Due Restraint (Peace Clause) -- 8.10 Public Stockholding for Food-Security Purposes -- 8.11 Special and Differential Treatment -- 8.12 Transparency -- 8.13 Institutional Issues -- 8.14 Concluding Remarks -- 9 Agreement on Textiles and Clothing -- 9.1 The Legal Discipline and Its Rationale -- 9.2 The Relationship with GATT.. - 9.3 The Road to the ATC -- 9.4 ATC -- 9.5 Concluding Remarks -- 10 Government Procurement -- 10.1 The Legal Discipline and Its Rationale -- 10.2 The Relationship with GATT -- 10.3 Government Procurement: A Multifaceted Instrument -- 10.4 The Scope of the GPA -- 10.5 The Obligations Assumed -- 10.6 Procurement Methods -- 10.7 Transparency -- 10.8 Special and Differential Treatment -- 10.9 Enforcing the GPA -- 10.10 The Work Programmes -- 10.11 Institutional Issues -- 10.12 Concluding Remarks -- 11 The Civil Aviation Agreement -- 11.1 The Legal Discipline and Its Rationale -- 11.2 The Relationship with the GATT and Annex 1A Agreements -- 11.3 Membership -- 11.4 Product Coverage -- 11.5 Elimination of Customs Duties -- 11.6 Disciplines on Subsidies -- 11.7 Other Obligations -- 11.8 Institutions -- 11.9 Concluding Remarks -- 12 Transparency -- 12.1 The Legal Discipline and Its Rationale -- 12.2 Article X of GATT -- 12.3 The Trade Policy Review Mechanism (TPRM) -- 12.4 Into the Great Wide Open: Transparency Unlimited -- Notes -- References -- Index.. - A detailed examination of WTO agreements regulating trade in goods, discussing legal context, policy background, economic rationale, and case law.

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