Central Banking and Globalization.

Marlon. Cappello
Bok Engelsk 2010 · Electronic books.
1 online resource (191 pages)
1st ed.
Intro -- CENTRAL BANKING AND GLOBALIZATION -- CENTRAL BANKING AND GLOBALIZATION -- CONTENTS -- PREFACE -- Chapter 1ON THE ROLE OF MONEY-GROWTH TARGETINGUNDER AN INFLATION-TARGETING REGIME -- Abstract -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Why the Money May Be Useful and Important -- 3. Monetary Targeting versus Inflation Targeting -- 4. The Model -- 5. The Dynamics of Inflation Expectations under Inflation-Targeting Regime with Feedback Money Growth Rule -- Forward-Looking Expectations -- Backward-Looking Expectations -- 6. Zero-Interest-Rate Policy and Quantitative Easing Policy -- 7. Conclusion -- Appendix: The Difference Equation under Forward-LookingExpectations -- Acknowledgments -- References -- Chapter 2 TRADE REMEDIES: A PRIMER* -- Summary -- Introduction -- Overview -- Congressional Interest -- Action in 110th Congress -- AD and CVD Laws and Investigations -- U.S. Statutes and Eligibility Criteria -- U.S. International Obligations -- AD and CVD Investigations -- Preliminary Determinations -- Final Determinations -- Critical Circumstances -- Termination of Investigation and Suspension Agreements -- Administrative and Sunset Reviews -- Outcome of AD and CVD Investigations -- Recent U.S. AD/CVD Disputes in WTO -- Antidumping Act of 1916 -- Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act -- Zeroing -- AD/CVD Issues in the 110th Congress -- Application of Countervailing Duties to Nonmarket Economy Countries -- WTO Panel Participation and Oversight -- Safeguard (Escape Clause) Measures -- Statutory Authority -- Section 201 Eligibility Criteria -- U.S. International Obligations -- NAFTA Provisions -- Section 201 Safeguard Investigations -- ITC Role -- Presidential Action -- Midterm Review -- Section 201 Outcomes -- 2002 Steel Safeguard Action -- Section 406 Relief -- "Surge Protection" from Chinese Imports -- Safeguard Legislation in the 110th Congress.. - Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 3TOWARDS NEW METRICS TO MEASURESUSTAINED COMPETITIVENESSIN THE CARIBBEAN -- Abstract -- Introduction -- Tourism Life Cycle, Competitiveness and Sub-Optimality -- Defining Tourism Competitiveness -- Addressing Issues Related to Sub-Optimality in the Consumptionand Production of Tourism -- Tourism in the Caribbean -- Measuring Sustained Competitiveness -- Data Sources, Estimation and Empirical Results -- Study Results and Implications -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 4CENTRAL BANKING AND DEFLATIONARYDEPRESSION : A JAPANESE PERSPECTIVE -- Abstract -- 1. Introduction -- 2. 'Too Late Too Small' Hypothesis of Japanese Monetary Policy :Empirical and Informal Theoretical Analyses -- 3. A Formal Theoretical Interpretation by Means of a System ofDynamic Equations -- Proposition -- (Proof) -- 4. 'Permissible' versus 'Optimal' Monetary Policies -- Criterion -- 5. On The Problem of 'Sign Reversal' in the 'New Keynesian'Dynamic Model -- Acknowledgment -- References -- Chapter 5CENTRAL BANK INDEPENDENCE IN WORDSAND IN DEEDS: LESSONS FROM BRAZIL AND CHILE -- Abstract -- I. Introduction -- II. Central Bank Independence in Words and in Deeds -- III. Central Bank Independence and MacroeconomicPerformance in Brazil -- IV. Chile: Delegation without Democracy -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 6WATER: A GLOBAL RISK FACTOR -- Abstract -- 1. Introduction -- 2. The Water Cycle and the Planetary Life Support Services -- 3. The Water Cycle and Water Management -- 3.1. Water as a Free Gift of Nature -- 3.2. Beginnings and Barriers of Demand-Oriented Water Management -- 4. Towards Society-Oriented and Ecology-Based WaterManagement -- 4.1. Generating Water Related Risks in Industrial Societies -- 4.2. Informational Basis for Water Related Risk Management -- 4.3. The Role of Co-Ordination in Integrated Water Management -- 5. Conclusion.. - References -- Chapter 7AN ORIGINAL USE OF FOREIGN EXCHANGERESERVES: WHEN A CENTRAL BANK CAN USE ITSFX RESERVES TO RECAPITALIZE BANKS -- Abstract -- Model -- a. Printing Money -- b. Lending Reserves -- References -- Chapter 8IDENTITY GLOBALIZATION AND EXPERIENCETOURISM -- Abstract -- Introduction -- Existential Tourism and Development -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 9ON THE EQUIVALENCE BETWEEN A FISCALSTIMULUS FINANCED BY PUBLIC DEBTAND BY CENTRAL BANK MONEY -- 1. Introduction -- 2. The Conventional View -- The Effect of a Stimulus Financed by Public Debt -- The Effect of a Stimulus Financed by Central Bank Money -- 3. The Equivalence Between a Fiscal Stimulus Financed by PublicDebt and by the Central Bank -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 10ON INFLATION TARGETINGIN MENA COUNTRIES -- Chapter11SHOULDMONETARYPOLICYRESPONDTOPRIVATESECTOREXPECTATIONS? -- Abstract -- 1.Introduction -- 2.NewKeynesianModels -- 2.1.WithCurrentExpectations -- 2.2.WithPastExpectation -- 2.3.PolicyRule -- 2.3.1.Fundamentals-BasedPolicyRule -- 2.3.2.Expectations-BasedPolicyRule -- 3.WhySuchDifferentResults? -- 4.Conclusions -- References -- INDEX.

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