The AMA Handbook of Business Writing : The Ultimate Guide to Style, Grammar, Punctuation, Usage, Construction and Formatting.

Kevin. Wilson
Bok Engelsk 2010 · Electronic books.
1 online resource (1301 pages)
1st ed.
Intro -- Cover Page -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- Introduction -- Acknowledgments -- Section 1: The Writing Process -- Audience Analysis -- Brainstorming -- Research -- Interviewing -- Outlining -- Writing a Draft -- Business Writing Style -- Using Visuals -- Page Design -- Publication Design -- Editing -- Proofreading -- Document Review -- Revisions -- Documenting Sources -- Footnotes and Endnotes -- Bibliographies -- Global Communications -- Collaborative Writing -- Promotional Writing -- Section 2: The Business Writer's Alphabetical Reference -- A, An -- Abbreviations -- Titles Before and After Names -- Names -- Mathematical Units and Measurements -- Long Phrases -- Words Used with Numbers -- Common Latin Terms -- States and Territories -- Things You Should Not Abbreviate -- Spacing and Periods for Abbreviations -- Guidelines for Using Abbreviations in Your Writing -- Abbreviations for Measurements -- Abbreviations for Numbers -- Above, Below -- Absolute Form of an Adjective -- Absolute Phrase -- Absolutely -- Abstract Nouns -- Accent Marks -- Accept, Except -- Access, Excess -- Acronyms -- Action Verbs -- Active Voice -- A.D. -- Adjectival Noun -- Adjectival Opposites -- Adjective Phrase -- Adjectives -- Placement of Adjectives in a Sentence -- Use of Multiple Adjectives -- Degrees of Adjectives -- Irregular Form Adjectives -- A-Adjectives -- Adjuncts, Disjuncts, and Conjuncts -- Adverbial Clause -- Adverbial Phrase -- Adverbs -- Prepositional Phrases Acting as Adverbs -- Infinitive Phrases Acting as Adverbs -- Adverbs in a Numbered List -- Adverbs to Avoid -- Positioning Adverbs in a Sentence -- Order of Adverbs -- Inappropriate Adverb Order -- Viewpoint Adverbs -- Focus Adverbs -- Negative Adverbs -- Advice, Advise -- Affect, Effect -- Affixes -- African-American -- Age -- Agents -- Agreement -- Aid, Aide -- Alike.. - A Little -- Allegories -- Alliteration -- All Right, Alright -- Allusion, Illusion -- Alone, Lonely -- A Lot, Alot, Allot -- Already, All Ready -- Altogether, All Together -- Ambitransitive Verbs -- American English, British English -- Among, Between -- Ampersand -- A.M., P.M. -- An -- Anadiplosis -- Anaphora -- And Also -- And/Or -- Angry, Mad -- Animate Nouns -- Antagonyms -- Antecedent -- Anti- -- Antimetabole -- Antonyms -- Any, Either -- Any, Some -- Apart, A Part -- Apodosis -- Apostrophe -- Appears, Displays -- Appendix -- Apposition -- Appositives -- Articles -- As, Like -- Assure, Insure, Ensure -- Asterisks -- As to Whether -- As Well As -- Autoantonyms -- Auxiliary Verbs -- Average, Mean, Median -- A While, Awhile -- Awful, Awfully -- Bad, Badly -- Back-Channeling -- Backslash, Slash -- Back up, Backup -- Base Form of a Verb -- Basically, Essentially, Totally -- B.C. -- Because, Since, As -- Been, Gone -- Being That, Being As -- Below -- Beside, Besides -- Between, Among -- Bias, Biased -- Biased or Sexist Language -- Bibliography -- Billion -- Biweekly, Bimonthly, Semiweekly, Semimonthly -- Blind -- Blog, Weblog -- Bold Fonts -- Bored, Boring -- Both, Alike -- Both, Each -- Brackets -- Changes to Quoted Material -- Digressions within Parentheses -- Brake, Break -- Brand Names -- Breath, Breathe -- Bring, Take -- British English -- Bulleted List -- Bushel -- Business, Right -- Buzzwords -- By, Bye, Buy -- By, Until -- Call Back, Callback -- Call Out, Callout -- Callouts -- Came By -- Can, May -- Cannot -- Can't Seem -- Canvas, Canvass -- Capital Letters -- Capital, Capitol -- Capitalization -- Acts of Congress -- Associations -- Book Titles and Their Subdivisions -- Railroad Cars and Automobile Models -- Churches and Church Dignitaries -- Cities -- Clubs -- Legal Codes -- Compass Points Designating a Specific Region -- Constitutions.. - Corporations -- Courts -- Decorations -- Degrees (Academic) -- Districts -- Educational Courses -- Epithets -- Fleets -- Foundations -- Geographic Divisions -- Government Divisions -- Historical Terms -- Holidays -- Libraries -- Localities -- Military Services -- Nobility and Royalty -- Oceans and Continents -- Parks, Peoples, and Tribes -- Personification -- Planets and Other Heavenly Bodies -- Rivers -- Sports Stadiums, Teams, and Terms -- Captions -- Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers -- Case -- Cataphora -- Causative Verbs -- Caution Notice -- CD, DVD -- Censor, Censure, Sensor, Censer -- Champaign, Champagne -- Check, Control -- Chiasmus -- Chicano, Latino, Hispanic -- Choose, Chose -- Cite, Site, Sight -- Citing Publications -- Clauses -- Cleanup, Clean Up -- Cleft Sentences -- Clichés -- Click -- Click and Drag -- Click On -- Closed Compounds -- Coleman-Liau Index -- Collective Adjectives -- Collective Nouns -- Collocations -- Colloquial -- Colon -- Emphasis or Anticipation -- Time -- Titles -- Combination -- Comma -- Compound and Complex Sentences -- Introductory Expressions -- Other Transitional Words -- Prepositional Phrases -- Contrasting Phrases -- Nonrestrictive Modifiers -- Infinitive Phrases -- Designating Dialogue -- Repeated Words -- Word Omission -- Transposed Adjective Order -- Numbers -- Addresses -- Titles -- Company Names -- Common Adjectives -- Common Nouns -- Company and Product Names -- Comparatives -- Compared to, Compared with -- Complement, Compliment -- Complements -- Complex Prepositions -- Compound Nouns -- Compound Predicates -- Compound Sentences -- Compounding Sentence Elements -- Compound Words -- Open Compounds -- Closed Compounds -- Hyphenated Compounds -- Comptroller, Controller -- Concord -- Concrete Nouns -- Conditional Perfect -- Conditionals -- Conjunctions -- And -- But -- Or.. - Emigrate, Immigrate -- Eminent, Imminent, Immanent -- Emoticons -- Empathic Forms -- Empathy, Sympathy -- En Dash -- Endnotes -- End Result -- Endophora -- Engine, Motor -- Enough, Not Enough -- Enquire, Inquire -- Ensure, Assure, Insure -- Enthuse, Enthusiastic -- Entitled -- Envelop, Envelope -- Epanadiplosis -- Epanalepsis -- Epistemic Modality -- Epistrophe -- Epizeuxis -- Equally as Important -- Equations -- Ergative Verbs -- Essentially -- et al. -- etc. -- Euphemisms -- Everyday -- Everyone, Every One -- Every Time -- Except, Unless -- Excess, Access -- Exclamation Point -- Exclamatory Sentence -- Exclusive Adverbs -- Existential There -- Exit -- Exophoric -- Expect -- Expletive Constructions -- Expository Writing -- Extranet -- Extraposition -- Factitive Verbs -- Faint -- Fair, Fare -- FANBOYS -- Farther, Further -- Faze, Phase -- Feint, Faint -- Female, Woman -- Fewer, Less -- Few, A Few -- Figuratively -- Figure of Speech -- Figures -- Finite Verbs -- First Conditional -- Fix, Situation -- Flair, Flare -- Flesch-Kincaid Index -- Flier, Flyer -- Focus Adverb -- Fog Index -- Font, Typeface -- Foot, Feet -- Footnotes, Endnotes -- Forego, Forgo -- Foreign Words and Phrases -- Forever, For Ever -- For, Fore, Four -- Formatting -- Formulas -- Forward, Forwards, Foreword -- Fractions -- Fragments -- Full Time, Full-time -- Further -- Fused Sentences -- Future Perfect -- Future Perfect Progressive -- Future Progressive -- Gage, Gauge -- Gender -- Genitive Marker -- Gerund -- Gigabyte -- Gigahertz -- Glossary -- Gone, Went -- Good, Well -- Got, Gotten -- Grammatical Hierarchy -- Gray, Grey -- Guess -- Handicap, Disability -- Hard Disk, Hard Drive -- Headings and Subheadings -- Helping Verbs -- Hendiatris -- Heteronyms -- Highlighting -- Hispanic, Latino, Chicano -- Hit -- Homographs -- Homonyms -- Homophones -- Hypallage -- Hyperbaton -- Hyperbole.. - Hyperlinks.. - Punctuation for Coordinating Conjunctions -- Other Conjunctions -- Subordinating Conjunctions -- Correlative Conjunctions -- Conjunctive Adverbs -- Conjuncts -- Connote, Denote -- Considered to Be -- Consonants -- Continuous Verbs -- Contractions -- Contranyms -- Control -- Convince, Persuade -- Cooperate -- Coordinated Adjectives -- Coordinating Conjunctions -- Copula Verbs -- Copyright -- Correlative Conjunction -- Could of, Might of -- Council, Counsel, Consul -- Count Nouns -- Credible, Credulous -- Cross-Reference -- Cut-and-Paste -- Danger Notice -- Dangling Modifiers -- Characteristics of Dangling Modifiers -- Revising Dangling Modifiers -- Dangling Participles -- Dash -- Data -- Dates -- Deaf or Hard of Hearing -- Deal -- Decimals -- Declarative Mood -- Declarative Sentence -- Defining Relative Clause -- Definite Article -- Defuse, Diffuse -- Degree Adverbs -- Degree Titles -- Deixis -- Demonstrative Adjectives -- Demonstrative Pronouns -- Denominal Adjectives -- Denote, Connote -- Dependent Clauses -- Descriptive Writing -- Desert, Dessert -- Determiners -- Device, Devise -- Diacritic -- Different from, Different than -- Diffuse, Defuse -- Dimensions -- Direct Objects -- Disability -- Disc, Disk -- Discreet, Discrete -- Disease Names -- Disjuncts -- Display, Monitor, Screen -- Disyllabic -- Ditransitive Verbs -- Ditto Marks -- Do, Does, Did -- Dollars and Cents -- Dollar and Cent Signs -- Decimal Points -- Don't, Doesn't -- Do's and Don'ts -- Dot-Com -- Double Negatives -- Double Possessives -- Double-Click -- Download, Upload -- Downtoners -- Drag-and-Drop -- Due to the Fact That -- DVD -- Dynamic Adjectives -- Dynamic Verbs -- Each Other, One Another -- Each, Their -- Effect, Affect -- Eggcorn -- e.g., i.e. -- Either, Neither -- Elicit, Illicit -- Ellipses -- Elliptical Clauses -- Email -- Embedded Questions -- Em Dash.. - With more than 800 alphabetical entries and nearly 100 sample documents, The AMA Handbook of Business Writing gives you quick, accessible guidelines to the entire writing process, from using correct grammar and style to formatting your document for clarity to writing effectively for a target audience.

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