Greek Sculpture.

Edmund. von Mach
Bok Engelsk 2006 · Electronic books.
1 online resource (359 pages)
1st ed.
Intro -- Introduction -- Rapidity of Growth -- The Triumph of the Few -- Small Range of Simple Ideas -- The Appeal of a Work of Art -- Periods of Greek Sculpure -- Fundamental Considerations -- Greek Sculpture in its Relation to Nature: The Mental Image -- The Appeal of Greek Sculpture -- The Artist and his Public -- The Principles of Greek Relief Sculpture -- Differing Technique of High and Low Relief Sculpture -- Greek Relief Sculpture in its Relation to Architecture -- Reliefs on Rounded Surfaces -- Physical Effort and Pleasure in Viewing Extended Compositions -- The Colouring of Greek Sculpture -- Art Conditions Before the 7th Century B.C. and Early Ignorance -- Material, Technique -- Destructive Forces -- Early Ignorance of Greek Sculpture -- Early Greek Sculpture -- First Attempts in the Round -- The First Attempts in Relief -- Conservatism, Ready Skill Before Freedom of Conception -- Transitional Period -- Myron -- Pythagoras -- Telling Use of Details -- Grace and Delicate Workmanship -- Kalamis -- Sculptured Temple Decorations, Aegina and Olympia -- Realisation of the Noblest Ideas: the Divine Side of Human Nature -- The Parthenon -- The Metopes -- The Frieze -- The Pediments -- The Greek Ideal -- The Individual Soul and Body -- Praxiteles -- Skopas -- The Niobe Goup -- The Tomb of King Mausollos -- Formulated Principles -- Perfect Skill -- Autumn Days -- The Aphrodite of Melos -- The Nike of Samothrace -- The Belvedere Apollo and the Artemis of Versailles -- The Laokoön Group -- The School of Pargamon -- Bibliography -- List of Illustrations -- Notes.. - Greek Sculpture is probably the most well known aspect of Greek art, for a contemporary it expresses the most beautiful ideal and plastic perfection. It is the first of the Ancient Arts that looked to free itself from the imitative constraints, of the faithful representation of nature. Only a small part of the production of Greek Sculpture is known to us. Many of the masterpieces described by Antique literature are henceforth lost or badly damaged, and a large part, we know are copies, more or less skillful and faithful to the Roman era. Many have been restored by Western Sculptors, from the Renaissance to nowadays, and often in a meaning very different from the original work: a discobolous is thus turned into a dying gladiator, this god received the attributes of another, the legs of this statue are transplanted to the torso of this other one. "The soul of Greek Sculpture contains in it all sculpture. Its essential simplicity, defies all definition. We can feel it, but we can not express it. 'Open your eyes, study the statues, look, reflect and look again,' is the perpetual perception of anyone who wants to learn or know about Greek Sculpture.".

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