Enhancing Prospects of Longer-Term Sustainability of Cross-Cultural INSET Initiatives in China.

Chunmei. Yan
Bok Engelsk 2009 · Electronic books.
1 online resource (276 pages)
1st ed.
Intro -- ENHANCING PROSPECTSOF LONGER-TERM SUSTAINABILITYOF CROSS-CULTURAL INSETINITIATIVES IN CHINA -- CONTENTS -- INTRODUCTION -- RATIONALES FOR THE PRESENT STUDY -- 1. To Explore Determinants for Success of CPD Initiatives -- 2. TO RAISE AN AWARENESS OF THE IMPORTANCEOF EVALUATION IN CPD INITIATIVES -- 3. TO EVALUATE THE PROJECT APPROACH AS AN INNOVATIVEMETHODOLOGY -- 4. TO MAKE A CONTRIBUTION TO THE CHINESELITERATURE ON TEACHER EDUCATION -- Focus of the Study -- Structure of the Book -- LITERATURE REVIEW (1)CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT -- INTRODUCTION -- RATIONALES FOR CPD -- PERSPECTIVES ON CPD -- PRINCIPLES OF EFFECTIVE CPD -- Integrating Institutional and Individual Development -- Professional Development as an Ongoing Process -- Professional Development as a Reflective Process -- Taking into Account the Affective Dimensions of CPD -- IMPLEMENTATION DESIGNS -- PROBLEMS AND ISSUES IN INSET -- Lack of Clarity of Innovations -- Lack of Planning -- Lack of Persistent Effort at the Grassroots -- Cultural Mismatches between Imported Technologyand Local Conventions and Needs -- Resistance -- UNAVAILABILITY OF INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT -- Perception Gaps -- THE 'CLONING EFFECT' -- Neglect of Change of Teacher Beliefs -- LACK OF EVALUATION -- Failure to Address Needs of Teachers and Institutions -- CONCLUDING COMMENTS -- LITERATURE REVIEW (2)MAJOR ISSUES IN MANAGING CROSS-CULTURALINSET INITIATIVES -- INTRODUCTION -- PERSPECTIVES ON CHANGE ANDLONGER-TERM SUSTAINABILITY -- Characteristics of Change -- Strategies for Change -- Change Process -- Sustainability -- ENHANCING LONGER-TERM SUSTAINABILITYOF INSET INITIATIVES -- ROLES AND ACTIONS AT THE MICRO LEVEL -- Adopting a Client-Centred, Purposiveand Evolutionary Approach to INSET -- Establishing Collaborative Cultures at the Team Level -- Capitalising on the Role of Leadership.. - Commitment and Expertise of the Project Team.. - PERSPECTIVES OF PROJECT A COURSEPARTICIPANTS ABOUT THE PROGRAMME (1) -- TRAINERS' AND TRAINEES' EXPECTATIONSOF THE PROGRAMME -- Trainers' Expectations -- Trainees' Expectations -- Factors that Made the Trainees Decide to Come on the Course -- Trainees' Expectations of the ESP Component of the Programme -- Most Interesting Course Topics to the Trainees -- How Far Their General Expectations Were Met -- Course Participants' Benefits from Their Experience on the Course -- Trainees' Views About the Benefits of the Course for Them -- Trainers' Working Experiences on the Project -- COURSE PARTICIPANTS' VIEWS ABOUT THE PROGRAMME -- The Balance of Course Components -- Trainers' Perspectives -- Trainees' Perspectives -- Distinctiveness and Effectiveness of the Programme -- Trainers' Perspectives -- Course Design -- Teaching Methodology -- Course Materials -- Course Evaluations -- Assessment -- Trainees' Perspectives -- Course Design -- Teaching Methodology -- Course Materials -- Course Evaluations -- Assessment -- SUMMARIES OF COURSE PARTICIPANTS' VIEWS ABOUT PROGRAMMEFEATURES -- TRAINERS' VIEWS ABOUT IMPACT OF THE PROJECT -- In What Ways Has the Project Made an Impact? -- What Factors Do You Think Have Helpedthe Project Make an Impact? -- In What Areas Should the Project Make a Greater Impact than Hitherto? -- In What Areas Should the Project Make a Greater Impact than Hitherto? -- What Local Factors Need to Be Taken into Account for the Project's Longer-Term Sustainability? -- What Steps Might Be Taken to Enhance the Impact of the Project andEnsure Longer-Term Sustainability? -- PERSPECTIVES OF PROJECT A COURSEPARTICIPANTS ABOUT THE PROGRAMME (2) -- TRAINERS' PERSPECTIVES ABOUT THE PROGRAMME -- TRAINERS' PERCEPTIONS OF GOALS OF THE PROJECT -- TRAINERS' EXPECTATIONS -- TRAINERS' VIEWS ABOUT PROJECT IMPACTS -- Realised Impacts Achieved to Date.. - Project Impacts on Trainees -- Project Impacts on Trainers -- Realised Impacts on Project Development -- Realised Impacts on Development of the Faculty and University -- TRAINERS' PERCEPTIONS ABOUT CONTRIBUTING FACTORS -- Trainers' Perceptions About Unrealised Project Impacts -- Trainers' Views About Constraining Factors -- TRAINERS' PERCEPTIONS OF THE PROSPECT OF THE PROJECT'SLONGER-TERM SUSTAINABILITY -- Barriers to Longer-Term Sustainability -- Measures that Could Be Taken to Enhance the Project's Longer-TermSustainabilit -- TRAINEES' PERSPECTIVES ABOUT THE PROGRAMME -- TRAINEES' EXPECTATIONS OF THE PROGRAMME -- TRAINEES' VIEWS ABOUT THE IMPACT OF THE PROJECT -- Trainees' Perceptions of Realised Project Impact -- Trainees' Views About Contributing Factors -- Trainees' Views About Unrealised Impact -- Trainees' Views About Constraining Factors -- Trainees' Views About Longer-Term Sustainability of the Project -- SUMMARIES OF TRAINERS' AND TRAINEES' VIEWSABOUT THE PROGRAMME -- TRAINERS' PERCEPTIONS OF PROJECT GOALS -- Trainees' Views About Longer-Term Sustainability of the Project -- TRAINERS' AND TRAINEES' EXPECTATIONS -- TRAINERS' AND TRAINEES' VIEWS ABOUT PROJECT IMPACT -- TRAINERS' AND TRAINEES' VIEWS ABOUTTHE PROJECT'S LONGER-TERM SUSTAINABILITY -- PERSPECTIVES OF PROJECT A EXPATRIATESAND ADMINISTRATORS ABOUT THEPROGRAMME -- EXPATRIATES' PERSPECTIVE ABOUT THE PROGRAMME -- EXPATRIATES' PERCEPTIONS OF PROJECT IMPACT -- EXPATRIATES' PERCEPTIONS OF PROJECT GOALS -- Realised Impact -- CONTRIBUTING FACTORS -- UNREALISED IMPACT -- CONSTRAINING FACTORS -- EXPATRIATES' PERCEPTIONS OF THE PROJECT'SLONGER-TERM SUSTAINABILITY -- PERSPECTIVES OF UNIVERSITY ADMINISTRATORS IN PROJECT AABOUT THE PROGRAMME -- UNIVERSITY ADMINISTRATORS' VIEWSABOUT PROJECT GOALS -- UNIVERSITY ADMINISTRATORS' PERCEPTIONSOF PROJECT IMPACT.. - UNIVERSITY ADMINISTRATORS' PERCEPTION OF THE PROJECT'SLONGER-TERM SUSTAINABILITY -- PERSPECTIVES OF AEI ADMINISTRATORS IN PROJECTA ABOUT THE PROGRAMME -- AEI ADMINISTRATORS' VIEWS ABOUT PROJECT GOALS -- AEI ADMINISTRATORS' VIEWS ABOUT PROJECT IMPACT -- AEI ADMINISTRATORS' VIEWS ABOUT THE PROJECT'S LONGERTERMSUSTAINABILITY -- SUMMARIES OF PERSPECTIVES OF THREE PARTIES ABOUT THEPROJECT'S LONGER-TERM SUSTAINABILITY -- Views About Project Goals -- Views About Project Impact -- Views About the Project's Longer-Term Sustainability -- FINDINGS FROM THREE COGNATE PROJECTS -- VIEWS ON PROJECT IMPACT ANDLONGER-TERM SUSTAINABILITY -- Project B -- Project C -- Project D -- PROJECT PARTICIPANTS' PERSPECTIVE:INTERVIEW FINDINGS -- LOCAL NATIONAL AUTHORITIES' PERSPECTIVE:FINDINGS FROM EVALUATION REPORT -- EXPATRIATE'S PERSPECTIVE:PROJECT CONSULTANT'S EVALUATION REPORT -- SUMMARY OF VIEWS OF COGNATE PROJECT PARTICIPANTS -- DISCUSSION -- INTRODUCTION -- FACTORS AFFECTING LONGER-TERM SUSTAINABILITY -- FACTORS RELATING TO ROLES AND ACTIONSAT VARIED LEVELS -- THE SECTORAL (MACRO) LEVEL -- Support -- Short-Termism -- Top-Down Strategies of Change -- Models for CPD -- Incomplete Conduct of Evaluation -- THE MESO LEVEL -- Lack of Support to Project Teams -- Lack of Support to AEI Teachers -- THE MICRO LEVEL -- Lack of Follow-up Support on the Part of the Project Team -- Lack of Persistent Commitment -- Lack of Internal Communication -- Lack of Communication with Outside World -- LACK OF COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THREE LEVELS -- FACTORS RELATING TO CULTURAL TRANSFORMATION -- Cultural Mismatches between Imported Technologyor Practices and Local Conventions -- Resistance in the Local Context -- Unavailability of Resources -- Lack of Planning -- MEASURES FOR LONGER-TERM SUSTAINABILITY -- ROLES AND ACTIONS AT DIVERSE LEVELS -- Support from Government and Institutional Levels.. - Upgrading Trainer Expertise -- Conducting Research Related to INSET -- ROLES AND ACTIONS AT THE MESO AND MACRO LEVELS -- Providing Administrative and Professional Support -- Empowering the 'Insiders' -- Harmonising Individual and Organisational Needs -- Integrating Top-Down Approaches with Self-DirectedProfessional Development -- Empowering Teachers in Their Pursuitof Their Professional Development -- Coping with Resistance from Teachers -- INTERACTIONS BETWEEN THE THREE LEVELS -- Facilitating Communication and Coordination between Various Parties -- Building up Network -- CULTURAL CONTINUITY AND ADAPTATION -- Integrating a Training Course with the Existing System -- Enhancing Cultural Integration and Synergy -- Developing Intercultural Maturity -- CONCLUSIONS -- RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY -- RESEARCH DESIGN AND STRATEGY -- Ontological and Epistemological Assumptions -- Research Design: Case Study and Illuminative Evaluation -- Research Strategies: Abductive and Deductive -- Research Background -- DATA COLLECTION -- Triangulation of Data Collection Methods and Respondents -- Data Collection Schedules -- Interview Schedules and Questionnaires -- Interview Schedules and Questionnaires for Phase 1 Data Collection -- A. Phase 1 Interview Schedules for Course Participants -- B. Phase 1 Interview Schedules for Expatriates and Administrators -- C. Phase 1 Questionnaires -- D. Phase 2 Interview Schedule -- Piloting -- EXECUTION OF DATA COLLECTION -- Data collection in Phase 1 -- Data collection in Phase 2 -- REFLECTIONS ON RESEARCH DESIGNAND DATA COLLECTION -- Reflections on Research Design -- Reflections on Data Collection -- Merits of Data Collection -- Pitfalls in Data Collection -- Ethical Issues -- DATA PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS -- Questionnaire Analysis -- Interview Analysis -- Conventions for Interview Extracts -- THE PRESENTATION OF FINDINGS.

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