Foreign Direct Investment.

Hillary E. Larimore
Bok Engelsk 2008 · Electronic books.
1 online resource (212 pages)
1st ed.
Intro -- FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT -- FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT -- CONTENTS -- PREFACE -- Chapter 1FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT OF JAPANESECOMPANIES IN BRAZIL -- Abstract -- Introduction -- Evolution of Japanese FDI in Brazil -- The First Wave of Japanese Investments: The 1950s -- The Second Wave of Japanese Investments: the 1970s -- Japanese Investments in the 1980s -- Japanese Investments in the 1990s and 2000s -- Is the Beginning of the Third Wave of Japanese Investments? -- Brazil as a Promising Destination of Japanese FDI -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 2LABOUR MARKET FLEXIBILITY AS A KEYDETERMINANT OF FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT:EVIDENCE FROM THE UK -- Abstract -- Introduction -- Implications of FDI Inflows -- Trends in FDI Flows -- Determinants of FDI -- Minimising Risk -- Demand Factors -- National-Specific Factors -- Cost Factors -- Characteristics of Labour Market Flexibility -- Labour Market Flexibility as a Key Determinant of FDI? -- UK Labour Market Flexibility and FDI -- Conclusion and Policy Recommendations -- References -- Chapter 3INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS AND FOREIGNDIRECT INVESTMENT: THE IMPLICATIONSOF LABOR UNION -- Abstract -- 1. Introduction -- 2. The Model and the Results -- 2.1. The Benchmark Case of Perfectly Competitive Labor Markets -- 2.2. The Implications of Unionized Labor Market in the Host-Country -- 2.2.1. Export -- 2.2.2. FDI -- Strong Patent Protection in the South -- Weak Patent Protection in the South -- 3. Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 4CORE LABOR STANDARDS AND FOREIGN DIRECTINVESTMENT IN LATIN AMERICAAND THE CARIBBEAN:DOES LAX ENFORCEMENT OF LABOR STANDARDSATTRACT INVESTORS? -- Abstract -- I. Introduction -- II. Literature Review -- A. Determinants of FDI: Theoretical and Empirical Models -- OLI Model -- Industrial Relations Systems and Institutional Analysis.. - (a) Regional agglomeration of industry outputs as industry clusters -- (b) Agglomeration of industry output in major cities -- (c) Agglomeration of major types of industry outputs within and across cities -- 2. Globalization of Industrial Outputs: Trade Performance in the Globalized Delta Economies -- Trade Shares by Greater Regions (1979-2005) -- Trade Dependency by Greater Regions (1979-2005) -- IV. Inter-City and Intra-Regional Competition: Manufacturing Structural Adjustments in Globalized Delta Economies -- 1. Industry Complementarities and Manufacturing Structural Adjustments: Measurements -- Industry Complementarities (I): Modified Industry Specialization Index -- Industry Complementarity (II): Ranked (Spearman) Correlation Analyses -- 2. Inter-City and Intra-regional Competition and its Evolutions in GDEs: Results from Cluster Analyses (1987-2003) -- Industry Complementaries and Inter-City and Intra-regional Competition: Formation of City Clusters -- Low Industry Complementarities: City Clusters with High Inter-City Competition -- High Industry Complementarities: City Clusters with Low Inter-City Competition -- Evolution of Industry Complementarities and Intra-regional Competition -- Evolution of Industry Complementarities and Inter-City Competition -- Formation of Effective City Clusters via Industry Specialization -- Groupings with Low Industry Complementarities: City-pairs with High Competition -- Groupings with High Industry Complementarities: City-pairs with Low Competition -- V. Concluding Remarks -- Appendix I. A List of Manufacturing Industry in GDEs by SIC Group -- References -- Chapter6FOREIGNDIRECTINVESTMENTANDCURRENCYHEDGING -- Abstract -- 1.Introduction -- 2.TheModel -- 3.OptimalFDIandHedgingDecisions -- 4.LumpyversusSequentialFDI. -- 5.SequentialFDIwithoutCurrencyHedging -- 6.SequentialFDIwithFuturesHedgingOnly -- 7.Conclusion.. - 3.2.3. Time Series tLNRGDPand tLNOFDICo-integration Relations Test -- 3.2.4. The Causality Test between Average GDP and Outflow FDI -- Error Correction Model Establishment -- Granger Causality Test -- 4. Main Conclusion -- References -- INDEX -- Blank Page.. - Economic Geography -- Conceptualizing the Theoretical Approaches to FDI -- Heterodox Models -- B. Core Labor Standards and FDI: Empirical Studies -- III. Data -- A. Data on Foreign Investment and Macroeconomic and Labor Conditions -- B. Data on Core Labor Standards and Related Labor Market and PoliticalConditions -- IV. Empirical Methodology -- V. Econmetric Results -- A. Baseline Regressions -- B. Core Labor Standards and FDI: the Overall Picture for the Region -- C. Core Labor Standards and FDI: The Sub-regional Picture -- VI. Conclusion -- Annex I. Latin American and Caribbean Ratification of ILO Core Labor Standards Conventions -- Annex II. Description of ILO Core Labor Standards Conventions -- Forced Labor -- Freedom of Association -- Discrimination -- Child Labor -- References -- Chapter 5 CHINA'S FDI INFLOWS AND MANUFACTURING STRUCTURAL ADJUSTMENTS: INTER-CITY COMPETITION IN THE GLOBALIZED DELTA ECONOMIES -- Abstract -- I. Introduction -- II. The Role of Post-Reform FDI Inflows in China: Globalization of the Delta Economies in South and East China -- 1. A Simple Profile of GYRD/GPRD: Basic Economic Indicators -- 2. Globalization via FDI Absorption and Diffusion: FDI Agglomeration by Greater Regions -- 3. FDI Spatial Pattern: FDI Agglomeration at the City-Level -- III. Industrial Production and Trade Performance in the GDEs -- 1. Agglomerations of Industrial Production in the Delta Regions -- Output Performance by Greater Regions (1979-2005) -- Distributions of Industrial Production in GDEs: Regional Agglomerations of Outputs and Formation of Industry Clusters -- (1) Agglomeration of Industrial Outputs in the Delta Regions (1978-2004) -- (2) Agglomeration of Manufacturing Production by Industry Groups (2003) -- (3) Agglomeration of Manufacturing Output by Cities: Formation of Industry Clusters in the YRD/PRD Cities (2003).. - References -- Chapter 7 ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATIONS AND THE FLOW OF FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT: A REVIEW OF THE POLLUTION HAVEN HYPOTHESIS -- Abstract -- I. Introduction -- II. A Simple Model of FDI and Environmental Regulations -- III. Literature on the Pollution Haven Hypothesis -- Statistical Comparison -- Regional Analysis -- Bilateral Analysis -- IV. Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 8FDI AND LABOUR DEMAND ADJUSTMENTTO FACTOR PRICES AND DEMAND SHOCKSIN THE UK MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY -- Abstract -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Literature Review -- 3. The Empirical Model -- 4. The Data -- 5. Main Findings -- 6. Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 9ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN OFDIAND CHINA'S ECONOMIC STANDARD*-TEST OF THE DUNNING'S THEORY OF FDI -- Abstract -- 1. The Characteristics of Chinese Outflow FDI -- 1.1. Outflow FDI Has a Bigger Undulation, Lacks the Continuous Nature -- 1.2. Chinese outflow FDI Has the Nature of Eluding Trade Barriers, andLack the Nature of Seeking Technologies -- 1.3. Chinese Outflow FDI Mainly Concentrates to the Low Attachment ValueService Industries -- 1.4. Chinese Outflow FDI Belongs to the Model of the National Impetus Type -- 2. Brief Review of Relative Research Literature -- 2.1. Review about Classic International Direct Investment Theory -- 2.2. Explanation about Dunning's International Direct Investment StageTheory -- 2.3. Reviewing Correlation about Chinese Outflow and Inflow FDI -- 3. On the Relationship between OFDI and China's EconomicStandard -- 3.1. Examination about the Phase of China's OFDI -- 3.1.1. Variable and Data Access -- 3.1.2. Data Examination and Result Analysis -- 3.2. Analyze the Effect of Outflow FDI on China's Economic Growth byUtilizing the Co-integration -- 3.2.1. Variable and Data Access -- 3.2.2. Unit Root Examination of Time Series A and B.

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